1 Then apiControllerTag.Value = rndkey apiDateAndTimeIntegerTag.Value = Round(DateAndTimeIntegerTag.Value / 10) errorTag.Value = "update" timeTag.Value = "????" End If serverNode = myGroup.Item("batch_server").Value 'MsgBox serverNode r.Node = serverNode End Sub Private Sub FactoryTalkAlarmandEventBanner1_EventClick(ByVal Item As FTAlarmEventSummary.IEventItem) End Sub Private Sub NumericInput1_Change() On Error GoTo errh1 If NumericInput1.Value Mod 5 = 0 Then If Not initialised Then initialised = True Exit Sub End If If apiControllerTag.Value <> rndkey Then If DateAndTimeIntegerTag.Value - apiDateAndTimeIntegerTag.Value > 20 Then apiControllerTag.Value = rndkey apiDateAndTimeIntegerTag.Value = DateAndTimeIntegerTag.Value End If Exit Sub End If If Not started Then Start Exit Sub End If On Error GoTo errh update errorTag.Value = "" End If Exit Sub errh: errorTag.Value = err.Description errh1: End Sub Private Sub update() clearUpdated Dim s As String s = r.GetItem("TIME") timeTag.Value = s Dim values As UnitValues Dim u As Variant For Each u In units s = r.GetItem(u.id & "BatchId") u.values.batch = s Next u update1 setTags End Sub Private Sub update1() Dim unitProcedure As String Dim unitProcedureId As String Dim batch As String s = r.GetItem("BatchList") Dim batches() As String batches = Split(s, vbCrLf) Dim uu As Unit For x = LBound(batches) To UBound(batches) - 1 Dim c As String Set values = New UnitValues values.recipe = Split(batches(x), vbTab)(1) values.recipeDescription = Split(batches(x), vbTab)(2) values.createId = Split(batches(x), vbTab)(8) s = r.GetItem(Split(batches(x), vbTab)(8) & "BatchStepDataList2") Dim batchSteps() As String batchSteps = Split(s, vbCrLf) For xx = LBound(batchSteps) To UBound(batchSteps) - 1 Dim SS() As String SS = Split(batchSteps(xx), vbTab) If SS(2) = "1" Then values.procedureId = SS(0) values.procedure = SS(1) End If If SS(2) = "2" Then values.unitProcedureId = SS(0) values.unitProcedure = SS(1) End If If SS(2) = "3" Then If Trim(SS(6)) <> "" Then Set uu = getUnit(SS(8)) If Not uu Is Nothing Then uu.values.recipe = values.recipe If values.unitProcedureId <> "" Then uu.values.operation = SS(1) End If uu.values.operationId = SS(0) uu.values.procedure = values.procedure uu.values.procedureId = values.procedureId uu.values.unitProcedureId = values.unitProcedureId If values.procedureId <> "" Then uu.values.unitProcedure = values.unitProcedure End If uu.values.state = SS(6) uu.values.failure = Trim(SS(14)) values.unitProcedure = "" values.unitProcedureId = "" 'Exit Sub End If End If End If If SS(2) = "4" Then If LCase(SS(1)) Like "ep_*" Then If SS(6) = "RUNNING" Then uu.values.eps = uu.values.eps + 1 End If End If End If Next xx Next x End Sub ]]>