'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; } var isPlainObject = _interopDefault(require('is-plain-object')); var universalUserAgent = require('universal-user-agent'); function lowercaseKeys(object) { if (!object) { return {}; } return Object.keys(object).reduce((newObj, key) => { newObj[key.toLowerCase()] = object[key]; return newObj; }, {}); } function mergeDeep(defaults, options) { const result = Object.assign({}, defaults); Object.keys(options).forEach(key => { if (isPlainObject(options[key])) { if (!(key in defaults)) Object.assign(result, { [key]: options[key] });else result[key] = mergeDeep(defaults[key], options[key]); } else { Object.assign(result, { [key]: options[key] }); } }); return result; } function merge(defaults, route, options) { if (typeof route === "string") { let [method, url] = route.split(" "); options = Object.assign(url ? { method, url } : { url: method }, options); } else { options = Object.assign({}, route); } // lowercase header names before merging with defaults to avoid duplicates options.headers = lowercaseKeys(options.headers); const mergedOptions = mergeDeep(defaults || {}, options); // mediaType.previews arrays are merged, instead of overwritten if (defaults && defaults.mediaType.previews.length) { mergedOptions.mediaType.previews = defaults.mediaType.previews.filter(preview => !mergedOptions.mediaType.previews.includes(preview)).concat(mergedOptions.mediaType.previews); } mergedOptions.mediaType.previews = mergedOptions.mediaType.previews.map(preview => preview.replace(/-preview/, "")); return mergedOptions; } function addQueryParameters(url, parameters) { const separator = /\?/.test(url) ? "&" : "?"; const names = Object.keys(parameters); if (names.length === 0) { return url; } return url + separator + names.map(name => { if (name === "q") { return "q=" + parameters.q.split("+").map(encodeURIComponent).join("+"); } return `${name}=${encodeURIComponent(parameters[name])}`; }).join("&"); } const urlVariableRegex = /\{[^}]+\}/g; function removeNonChars(variableName) { return variableName.replace(/^\W+|\W+$/g, "").split(/,/); } function extractUrlVariableNames(url) { const matches = url.match(urlVariableRegex); if (!matches) { return []; } return matches.map(removeNonChars).reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), []); } function omit(object, keysToOmit) { return Object.keys(object).filter(option => !keysToOmit.includes(option)).reduce((obj, key) => { obj[key] = object[key]; return obj; }, {}); } // Based on https://github.com/bramstein/url-template, licensed under BSD // TODO: create separate package. // // Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Bram Stein // All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED // WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO // EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, // INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, // BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY // OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING // NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, // EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /* istanbul ignore file */ function encodeReserved(str) { return str.split(/(%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/g).map(function (part) { if (!/%[0-9A-Fa-f]/.test(part)) { part = encodeURI(part).replace(/%5B/g, "[").replace(/%5D/g, "]"); } return part; }).join(""); } function encodeUnreserved(str) { return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()*]/g, function (c) { return "%" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase(); }); } function encodeValue(operator, value, key) { value = operator === "+" || operator === "#" ? encodeReserved(value) : encodeUnreserved(value); if (key) { return encodeUnreserved(key) + "=" + value; } else { return value; } } function isDefined(value) { return value !== undefined && value !== null; } function isKeyOperator(operator) { return operator === ";" || operator === "&" || operator === "?"; } function getValues(context, operator, key, modifier) { var value = context[key], result = []; if (isDefined(value) && value !== "") { if (typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "number" || typeof value === "boolean") { value = value.toString(); if (modifier && modifier !== "*") { value = value.substring(0, parseInt(modifier, 10)); } result.push(encodeValue(operator, value, isKeyOperator(operator) ? key : "")); } else { if (modifier === "*") { if (Array.isArray(value)) { value.filter(isDefined).forEach(function (value) { result.push(encodeValue(operator, value, isKeyOperator(operator) ? key : "")); }); } else { Object.keys(value).forEach(function (k) { if (isDefined(value[k])) { result.push(encodeValue(operator, value[k], k)); } }); } } else { const tmp = []; if (Array.isArray(value)) { value.filter(isDefined).forEach(function (value) { tmp.push(encodeValue(operator, value)); }); } else { Object.keys(value).forEach(function (k) { if (isDefined(value[k])) { tmp.push(encodeUnreserved(k)); tmp.push(encodeValue(operator, value[k].toString())); } }); } if (isKeyOperator(operator)) { result.push(encodeUnreserved(key) + "=" + tmp.join(",")); } else if (tmp.length !== 0) { result.push(tmp.join(",")); } } } } else { if (operator === ";") { if (isDefined(value)) { result.push(encodeUnreserved(key)); } } else if (value === "" && (operator === "&" || operator === "?")) { result.push(encodeUnreserved(key) + "="); } else if (value === "") { result.push(""); } } return result; } function parseUrl(template) { return { expand: expand.bind(null, template) }; } function expand(template, context) { var operators = ["+", "#", ".", "/", ";", "?", "&"]; return template.replace(/\{([^\{\}]+)\}|([^\{\}]+)/g, function (_, expression, literal) { if (expression) { let operator = ""; const values = []; if (operators.indexOf(expression.charAt(0)) !== -1) { operator = expression.charAt(0); expression = expression.substr(1); } expression.split(/,/g).forEach(function (variable) { var tmp = /([^:\*]*)(?::(\d+)|(\*))?/.exec(variable); values.push(getValues(context, operator, tmp[1], tmp[2] || tmp[3])); }); if (operator && operator !== "+") { var separator = ","; if (operator === "?") { separator = "&"; } else if (operator !== "#") { separator = operator; } return (values.length !== 0 ? operator : "") + values.join(separator); } else { return values.join(","); } } else { return encodeReserved(literal); } }); } function parse(options) { // https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#methods let method = options.method.toUpperCase(); // replace :varname with {varname} to make it RFC 6570 compatible let url = (options.url || "/").replace(/:([a-z]\w+)/g, "{+$1}"); let headers = Object.assign({}, options.headers); let body; let parameters = omit(options, ["method", "baseUrl", "url", "headers", "request", "mediaType"]); // extract variable names from URL to calculate remaining variables later const urlVariableNames = extractUrlVariableNames(url); url = parseUrl(url).expand(parameters); if (!/^http/.test(url)) { url = options.baseUrl + url; } const omittedParameters = Object.keys(options).filter(option => urlVariableNames.includes(option)).concat("baseUrl"); const remainingParameters = omit(parameters, omittedParameters); const isBinaryRequset = /application\/octet-stream/i.test(headers.accept); if (!isBinaryRequset) { if (options.mediaType.format) { // e.g. application/vnd.github.v3+json => application/vnd.github.v3.raw headers.accept = headers.accept.split(/,/).map(preview => preview.replace(/application\/vnd(\.\w+)(\.v3)?(\.\w+)?(\+json)?$/, `application/vnd$1$2.${options.mediaType.format}`)).join(","); } if (options.mediaType.previews.length) { const previewsFromAcceptHeader = headers.accept.match(/[\w-]+(?=-preview)/g) || []; headers.accept = previewsFromAcceptHeader.concat(options.mediaType.previews).map(preview => { const format = options.mediaType.format ? `.${options.mediaType.format}` : "+json"; return `application/vnd.github.${preview}-preview${format}`; }).join(","); } } // for GET/HEAD requests, set URL query parameters from remaining parameters // for PATCH/POST/PUT/DELETE requests, set request body from remaining parameters if (["GET", "HEAD"].includes(method)) { url = addQueryParameters(url, remainingParameters); } else { if ("data" in remainingParameters) { body = remainingParameters.data; } else { if (Object.keys(remainingParameters).length) { body = remainingParameters; } else { headers["content-length"] = 0; } } } // default content-type for JSON if body is set if (!headers["content-type"] && typeof body !== "undefined") { headers["content-type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; } // GitHub expects 'content-length: 0' header for PUT/PATCH requests without body. // fetch does not allow to set `content-length` header, but we can set body to an empty string if (["PATCH", "PUT"].includes(method) && typeof body === "undefined") { body = ""; } // Only return body/request keys if present return Object.assign({ method, url, headers }, typeof body !== "undefined" ? { body } : null, options.request ? { request: options.request } : null); } function endpointWithDefaults(defaults, route, options) { return parse(merge(defaults, route, options)); } function withDefaults(oldDefaults, newDefaults) { const DEFAULTS = merge(oldDefaults, newDefaults); const endpoint = endpointWithDefaults.bind(null, DEFAULTS); return Object.assign(endpoint, { DEFAULTS, defaults: withDefaults.bind(null, DEFAULTS), merge: merge.bind(null, DEFAULTS), parse }); } const VERSION = "5.5.0"; const userAgent = `octokit-endpoint.js/${VERSION} ${universalUserAgent.getUserAgent()}`; // DEFAULTS has all properties set that EndpointOptions has, except url. // So we use RequestParameters and add method as additional required property. const DEFAULTS = { method: "GET", baseUrl: "https://api.github.com", headers: { accept: "application/vnd.github.v3+json", "user-agent": userAgent }, mediaType: { format: "", previews: [] } }; const endpoint = withDefaults(null, DEFAULTS); exports.endpoint = endpoint; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map