const { Toolkit } = require('actions-toolkit') const { execSync } = require('child_process') // Run your GitHub Action! tools => { const pkg = tools.getPackageJSON() const event = tools.context.payload const messages = => commit.message + '\n' + commit.body) const commitMessage = 'version bump to' const isVersionBump = => message.toLowerCase().includes(commitMessage)).includes(true) if (isVersionBump) { tools.exit.success('No action necessary!') return } let version = 'patch' if ( => message.includes('BREAKING CHANGE')).includes(true)) { version = 'major' } else if ( => message.toLowerCase().startsWith('feat')).includes(true)) { version = 'minor' } try { const current = pkg.version.toString() // set git user await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['config', '', '"Automated Version Bump"']) await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['config', '', '""']) const currentBranch = /refs\/[a-zA-Z]+\/(.*)/.exec(process.env.GITHUB_REF)[1] console.log('currentBranch:', currentBranch) // do it in the current checked out github branch (DETACHED HEAD) // important for further usage of the package.json version await tools.runInWorkspace('npm', ['version', '--allow-same-version=true', '--git-tag-version=false', current]) console.log('current:', current, '/', 'version:', version) let newVersion = execSync(`npm version --git-tag-version=false ${version}`).toString().trim() await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['commit', '-a', '-m', `"ci: ${commitMessage} ${newVersion}"`]) // now go to the actual branch to perform the same versioning await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['checkout', currentBranch]) await tools.runInWorkspace('npm', ['version', '--allow-same-version=true', '--git-tag-version=false', current]) console.log('current:', current, '/', 'version:', version) newVersion = execSync(`npm version --git-tag-version=false ${version}`).toString().trim() newVersion = `${process.env['INPUT_TAG-PREFIX']}${newVersion}` console.log('new version:', newVersion) await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['commit', '-a', '-m', `"ci: ${commitMessage} ${newVersion}"`]) const remoteRepo = `https://${process.env.GITHUB_ACTOR}:${process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN}${process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY}.git` // console.log(Buffer.from(remoteRepo).toString('base64')) await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['tag', newVersion]) await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['push', remoteRepo, '--follow-tags']) await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['push', remoteRepo, '--tags']) } catch (e) { tools.log.fatal(e) tools.exit.failure('Failed to bump version') } tools.exit.success('Version bumped!') })