const { Toolkit } = require('actions-toolkit'); const { execSync } = require('child_process'); // Change working directory if user defined PACKAGEJSON_DIR if (process.env.PACKAGEJSON_DIR) { process.env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE = `${process.env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/${process.env.PACKAGEJSON_DIR}`; process.chdir(process.env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE); } // Run your GitHub Action! (tools) => { const pkg = tools.getPackageJSON(); const event = tools.context.payload; if (!event.commits) { console.log("Couldn't find any commits in this event, incrementing patch version..."); } const tagPrefix = process.env['INPUT_TAG-PREFIX'] || ''; const messages = event.commits ? => commit.message + '\n' + commit.body) : []; const commitMessage = process.env['INPUT_COMMIT-MESSAGE'] || 'ci: version bump to {{version}}'; console.log('commit messages:', messages); const commitMessageRegex = new RegExp(commitMessage.replace(/{{version}}/g, `${tagPrefix}\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+`), 'ig'); const isVersionBump = messages.find((message) => commitMessageRegex.test(message)) !== undefined; if (isVersionBump) { tools.exit.success('No action necessary because we found a previous bump!'); return; } // input wordings for MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH, PRE-RELEASE const majorWords = process.env['INPUT_MAJOR-WORDING'].split(','); const minorWords = process.env['INPUT_MINOR-WORDING'].split(','); // patch is by default empty, and '' would always be true in the includes(''), thats why we handle it separately const patchWords = process.env['INPUT_PATCH-WORDING'] ? process.env['INPUT_PATCH-WORDING'].split(',') : null; const preReleaseWords = process.env['INPUT_RC-WORDING'].split(','); console.log('config words:', { majorWords, minorWords, patchWords, preReleaseWords }); // get default version bump let version = process.env.INPUT_DEFAULT; let foundWord = null; // get the pre-release prefix specified in action let preid = process.env.INPUT_PREID; // case: if wording for MAJOR found if ( messages.some( (message) => /^([a-zA-Z]+)(\(.+\))?(\!)\:/.test(message) || majorWords.some((word) => message.includes(word)), ) ) { version = 'major'; } // case: if wording for MINOR found else if (messages.some((message) => minorWords.some((word) => message.includes(word)))) { version = 'minor'; } // case: if wording for PATCH found else if (patchWords && messages.some((message) => patchWords.some((word) => message.includes(word)))) { version = 'patch'; } // case: if wording for PRE-RELEASE found else if ( messages.some((message) => preReleaseWords.some((word) => { if (message.includes(word)) { foundWord = word; return true; } else { return false; } }), ) ) { if (foundWord != ''){ preid = foundWord.split('-')[1]; } version = 'prerelease'; } console.log('version action after first waterfall:', version); // case: if default=prerelease, // rc-wording is also set // and does not include any of rc-wording // then unset it and do not run if ( version === 'prerelease' && preReleaseWords !== '' && !messages.some((message) => preReleaseWords.some((word) => message.includes(word))) ) { version = null; } // case: if default=prerelease, but rc-wording is NOT set if (version === 'prerelease' && preid) { version = 'prerelease'; version = `${version} --preid=${preid}`; } console.log('version action after final decision:', version); // case: if nothing of the above matches if (version === null) { tools.exit.success('No version keywords found, skipping bump.'); return; } // GIT logic try { const current = pkg.version.toString(); // set git user await tools.runInWorkspace('git', [ 'config', '', `"${process.env.GITHUB_USER || 'Automated Version Bump'}"`, ]); await tools.runInWorkspace('git', [ 'config', '', `"${process.env.GITHUB_EMAIL || ''}"`, ]); let currentBranch = /refs\/[a-zA-Z]+\/(.*)/.exec(process.env.GITHUB_REF)[1]; let isPullRequest = false; if (process.env.GITHUB_HEAD_REF) { // Comes from a pull request currentBranch = process.env.GITHUB_HEAD_REF; isPullRequest = true; } if (process.env['INPUT_TARGET-BRANCH']) { // We want to override the branch that we are pulling / pushing to currentBranch = process.env['INPUT_TARGET-BRANCH']; } console.log('currentBranch:', currentBranch); // do it in the current checked out github branch (DETACHED HEAD) // important for further usage of the package.json version await tools.runInWorkspace('npm', ['version', '--allow-same-version=true', '--git-tag-version=false', current]); console.log('current:', current, '/', 'version:', version); let newVersion = execSync(`npm version --git-tag-version=false ${version}`).toString().trim().replace(/^v/, ''); newVersion = `${tagPrefix}${newVersion}`; await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['commit', '-a', '-m', commitMessage.replace(/{{version}}/g, newVersion)]); // now go to the actual branch to perform the same versioning if (isPullRequest) { // First fetch to get updated local version of branch await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['fetch']); } await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['checkout', currentBranch]); await tools.runInWorkspace('npm', ['version', '--allow-same-version=true', '--git-tag-version=false', current]); console.log('current:', current, '/', 'version:', version); newVersion = execSync(`npm version --git-tag-version=false ${version}`).toString().trim().replace(/^v/, ''); newVersion = `${tagPrefix}${newVersion}`; console.log(`::set-output name=newTag::${newVersion}`); try { // to support "actions/checkout@v1" await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['commit', '-a', '-m', commitMessage.replace(/{{version}}/g, newVersion)]); } catch (e) { console.warn( 'git commit failed because you are using "actions/checkout@v2"; ' + 'but that doesnt matter because you dont need that git commit, thats only for "actions/checkout@v1"', ); } const remoteRepo = `https://${process.env.GITHUB_ACTOR}:${process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN}${process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY}.git`; if (process.env['INPUT_SKIP-TAG'] !== 'true') { await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['tag', newVersion]); await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['push', remoteRepo, '--follow-tags']); await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['push', remoteRepo, '--tags']); } else { await tools.runInWorkspace('git', ['push', remoteRepo]); } } catch (e) { tools.log.fatal(e); tools.exit.failure('Failed to bump version'); } tools.exit.success('Version bumped!'); });