// Copyright 2020 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package login import ( "code.gitea.io/tea/modules/interact" "code.gitea.io/tea/modules/task" "github.com/urfave/cli/v2" ) // CmdLoginAdd represents to login a gitea server. var CmdLoginAdd = cli.Command{ Name: "add", Usage: "Add a Gitea login", Description: `Add a Gitea login, without args it will create one interactively`, Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "name", Aliases: []string{"n"}, Usage: "Login name", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "url", Aliases: []string{"u"}, Value: "https://gitea.com", EnvVars: []string{"GITEA_SERVER_URL"}, Usage: "Server URL", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "token", Aliases: []string{"t"}, Value: "", EnvVars: []string{"GITEA_SERVER_TOKEN"}, Usage: "Access token. Can be obtained from Settings > Applications", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "user", Value: "", EnvVars: []string{"GITEA_SERVER_USER"}, Usage: "User for basic auth (will create token)", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "password", Aliases: []string{"pwd"}, Value: "", EnvVars: []string{"GITEA_SERVER_PASSWORD"}, Usage: "Password for basic auth (will create token)", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "ssh-key", Aliases: []string{"s"}, Usage: "Path to a SSH key to use, overrides auto-discovery", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "insecure", Aliases: []string{"i"}, Usage: "Disable TLS verification", }, }, Action: runLoginAdd, } func runLoginAdd(ctx *cli.Context) error { // if no args create login interactive if ctx.NumFlags() == 0 { return interact.CreateLogin() } // else use args to add login return task.CreateLogin( ctx.String("name"), ctx.String("token"), ctx.String("user"), ctx.String("password"), ctx.String("ssh-key"), ctx.String("url"), ctx.Bool("insecure")) }