# ansi Package ansi is a small, fast library to create ANSI colored strings and codes. ## Install Get it ```sh go get -u github.com/mgutz/ansi ``` ## Example ```go import "github.com/mgutz/ansi" // colorize a string, SLOW msg := ansi.Color("foo", "red+b:white") // create a FAST closure function to avoid computation of ANSI code phosphorize := ansi.ColorFunc("green+h:black") msg = phosphorize("Bring back the 80s!") msg2 := phospohorize("Look, I'm a CRT!") // cache escape codes and build strings manually lime := ansi.ColorCode("green+h:black") reset := ansi.ColorCode("reset") fmt.Println(lime, "Bring back the 80s!", reset) ``` Other examples ```go Color(s, "red") // red Color(s, "red+d") // red dim Color(s, "red+b") // red bold Color(s, "red+B") // red blinking Color(s, "red+u") // red underline Color(s, "red+bh") // red bold bright Color(s, "red:white") // red on white Color(s, "red+b:white+h") // red bold on white bright Color(s, "red+B:white+h") // red blink on white bright Color(s, "off") // turn off ansi codes ``` To view color combinations, from project directory in terminal. ```sh go test ``` ## Style format ```go "foregroundColor+attributes:backgroundColor+attributes" ``` Colors * black * red * green * yellow * blue * magenta * cyan * white * 0...255 (256 colors) Foreground Attributes * B = Blink * b = bold * h = high intensity (bright) * d = dim * i = inverse * s = strikethrough * u = underline Background Attributes * h = high intensity (bright) ## Constants * ansi.Reset * ansi.DefaultBG * ansi.DefaultFG * ansi.Black * ansi.Red * ansi.Green * ansi.Yellow * ansi.Blue * ansi.Magenta * ansi.Cyan * ansi.White * ansi.LightBlack * ansi.LightRed * ansi.LightGreen * ansi.LightYellow * ansi.LightBlue * ansi.LightMagenta * ansi.LightCyan * ansi.LightWhite ## References Wikipedia ANSI escape codes [Colors](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors) General [tips and formatting](http://misc.flogisoft.com/bash/tip_colors_and_formatting) What about support on Windows? Use [colorable by mattn](https://github.com/mattn/go-colorable). Ansi and colorable are used by [logxi](https://github.com/mgutz/logxi) to support logging in color on Windows. ## MIT License Copyright (c) 2013 Mario Gutierrez mario@mgutz.com See the file LICENSE for copying permission.