
1117 lines
33 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-10-18 22:22:44 +00:00
- AreaModel:
- attributes:
xmlns: urn:Rockwell/AreaModel
xsi:schemaLocation: urn:Rockwell/AreaModel C:\PROGRA~2\ROCKWE~1\Batch\Schemas\AreaModel.xsd
SchemaVersion: '71'
- Version: '1.00'
- Area:
- UniqueName: AREA1
- EnumerationSet:
- Type: '0'
- EnumerationSet:
- UniqueName: YES_NO
- Type: '1'
- Member:
- Name: YES
- Ordinal: '1'
- Member:
- Name: NO
- Ordinal: '0'
- EnumerationSet:
- UniqueName: $TIMER_TYPE
- Type: '1'
- Member:
- Ordinal: '0'
- Member:
- Name: COUNT_UP
- Ordinal: '1'
- EnumerationSet:
- UniqueName: $HOLD_BEHAVIOR
- Type: '1'
- Member:
- Ordinal: '1'
- Member:
- Name: RESET
- Ordinal: '2'
- Member:
- Ordinal: '0'
- EnumerationSet:
- Type: '1'
- Member:
- Name: 'NULL'
- Ordinal: '0'
- Server:
- Name: STATIC
- Server:
- Name: InstructionBasedServer
- DSDFFileName: InstructionBasedServer.dsdf
- Protocol: OPC
- DefaultAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- ReadAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- ReadItemName: WATCHDOG
- WriteAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- WriteItemName: WATCHDOGW
- OnControlScanRate: '1000'
- OffControlScanRate: '60000'
- LocalServer: '1'
- RemoteServerLocation: null
- WatchdogProtocol: '1'
- CommandVerificationPolicies:
- AbortCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- AckCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- AutoCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- BindCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- BindAckCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- ClearFailCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- CommentCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- DisconnectCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- HoldCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- ManualCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- ParamChangeCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- PauseCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- RemoveCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- ReactivateStepCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- ResetCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- RestartCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- ResumeCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- SemiAutoCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- SetLabelsCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- SetLotsCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- StartCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- StepCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- StopCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- TimerCompleteCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- TimerResetCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- ForceTransitionCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- OverrideCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- OverrideClearCmd:
- SignatureTemplateName: null
- RecipeApprovalsProcess:
- RecipeApprovalStep:
- Name: Begin Approvals
- Id: '-1'
- StepOrder: '1'
- Required: '1'
- ApproveSignatureTemplateName: null
- RevertSignatureTemplateName: null
- Description: Used to formally begin the approval process.
- RecipeApprovalStep:
- Name: Confirm Author
- Id: '-2'
- StepOrder: '2'
- Required: '0'
- ApproveSignatureTemplateName: null
- RevertSignatureTemplateName: null
- Description: Confirmation by the author of the recipe that it is ready for review.
- RecipeApprovalStep:
- Name: Review Recipe
- Id: '-3'
- StepOrder: '3'
- Required: '0'
- ApproveSignatureTemplateName: null
- RevertSignatureTemplateName: null
- Description: Confirmation that the recipe has been reviewed by the signer(s)
- RecipeApprovalStep:
- Name: Approve Recipe
- Id: '-4'
- StepOrder: '4'
- Required: '0'
- ApproveSignatureTemplateName: null
- RevertSignatureTemplateName: null
- Description: Confirmation that the recipe has been approved by the signer(s)
- RecipeApprovalStep:
- Name: Release Recipe as Step
- Id: '-5'
- StepOrder: '2'
- Required: '1'
- ApproveSignatureTemplateName: null
- RevertSignatureTemplateName: null
- Description: Confirmation that this step can be available for use by others.
- RecipeApprovalStep:
- Name: Release Recipe to Production
- Id: '-6'
- StepOrder: '2'
- Required: '1'
- ApproveSignatureTemplateName: null
- RevertSignatureTemplateName: null
- Description: Confirmation that this recipe can be available to put on the batch list.
- ExpeditedApprovalsProcess:
- RecipeApprovalStep:
- Name: Release Recipe as Step
- Id: '-7'
- StepOrder: '1'
- Required: '1'
- ApproveSignatureTemplateName: null
- RevertSignatureTemplateName: null
- Description: Confirmation that this step can be available for use by others.
- RecipeApprovalStep:
- Name: Release Recipe to Production
- Id: '-8'
- StepOrder: '1'
- Required: '1'
- ApproveSignatureTemplateName: null
- RevertSignatureTemplateName: null
- Description: Confirmation that this recipe can be available to put on the batch list.
- RecipeApprovalProcessConfigured: '0'
- EnableRecipeVersioning: '0'
- SecurityAuthorityIdentifier: NOT_AVAILABLE
- TagClass:
- UniqueName: PARMTR01
- Type: Real
- Description: null
- EngineeringUnits: null
- GlobalAttribute: 'false'
- TagClass:
- UniqueName: PARMTR02
- Type: Real
- Description: null
- EngineeringUnits: null
- GlobalAttribute: 'false'
- TagClass:
- UniqueName: PARMTR03
- Type: Real
- Description: null
- EngineeringUnits: null
- GlobalAttribute: 'false'
- TagClass:
- UniqueName: REPORT01
- Type: Real
- Description: null
- EngineeringUnits: null
- GlobalAttribute: 'false'
- TagClass:
- UniqueName: REPORT02
- Type: Real
- Description: null
- EngineeringUnits: null
- GlobalAttribute: 'false'
- TagClass:
- UniqueName: REQUST01
- Type: Real
- Description: null
- EngineeringUnits: null
- GlobalAttribute: 'false'
- TagClass:
- UniqueName: REQUST02
- Type: Real
- Description: null
- EngineeringUnits: null
- GlobalAttribute: 'false'
- ProcessCellClass:
- UniqueName: PCELL_CLS1
- IconFilename: CFactory1.BMP
- UnitClass:
- UniqueName: UNIT_CLS1
- IconFilename: UAGImixer.BMP
- RecipePhase:
- UniqueName: $TIMER_DN_SECOND
- IconFilename: Pstopwatch.bmp
- SystemCreated: 'true'
- Type: Standard
- DefaultControllerProgramName: null
- NumberOfParameterTags: '3'
- NumberOfReportTags: '2'
- NumberOfRequestTags: '0'
- NumberOfMessagePartners: '0'
- ParameterTagLockEnabled: 'true'
- RecipeParameter:
- ID: '1'
- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EnumerationDefault: COUNT_DOWN
- EnumerationSetName: $TIMER_TYPE
- RecipeParameter:
- ID: '2'
- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EnumerationDefault: CONTINUE
- EnumerationSetName: $HOLD_BEHAVIOR
- RecipeParameter:
- ID: '3'
- Type: Real
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- RealDefault: '300'
- RealMin: '10'
- RealMax: '4147200'
- EngineeringUnits: SECONDS
- ParameterLimit:
- VerificationMethod: No_Limits
- LimitScale: 'false'
- NormalAction: None
- NormalSignatureTemplate: null
- HighLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighValue: null
- LowValue: null
- HighHighLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighValue: null
- LowLowValue: null
- HighHighHighLowLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighHighLowLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighHighValue: null
- LowLowLowValue: null
- ReportParameter:
- ID: '1'
- Type: Real
- Accumulate: '0'
- ERPAlias: null
- UploadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
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- ReportLimit:
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- NormalAction: None
- NormalSignatureTemplate: null
- HighLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighValue: null
- LowValue: null
- HighHighLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighValue: null
- LowLowValue: null
- HighHighHighLowLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighHighLowLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
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- LowLowLowValue: null
- VerificationLimitCalculation: Absolute
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- ReportParameter:
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- Type: Real
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- ERPAlias: null
- UploadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
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- HighLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighValue: null
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- HighHighValue: null
- LowLowValue: null
- HighHighHighLowLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighHighLowLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighHighValue: null
- LowLowLowValue: null
- VerificationLimitCalculation: Absolute
- TargetParameter: null
- RecipePhase:
- UniqueName: $TIMER_DN_MINUTE
- IconFilename: Pstopwatch.bmp
- SystemCreated: 'true'
- Type: Standard
- DefaultControllerProgramName: null
- NumberOfParameterTags: '3'
- NumberOfReportTags: '2'
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- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
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- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EnumerationDefault: CONTINUE
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- Scale: 'false'
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- Contexts: null
- RealDefault: '20'
- RealMin: '0.17'
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- ParameterLimit:
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- NormalAction: None
- NormalSignatureTemplate: null
- HighLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighValue: null
- LowValue: null
- HighHighLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighValue: null
- LowLowValue: null
- HighHighHighLowLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighHighLowLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighHighValue: null
- LowLowLowValue: null
- ReportParameter:
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- Type: Real
- Accumulate: '0'
- ERPAlias: null
- UploadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EngineeringUnits: MINUTES
- ReportLimit:
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- LowLowValue: null
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- Type: Real
- Accumulate: '0'
- ERPAlias: null
- UploadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
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- LowLowValue: null
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- HighHighHighLowLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighHighValue: null
- LowLowLowValue: null
- VerificationLimitCalculation: Absolute
- TargetParameter: null
- RecipePhase:
- UniqueName: $TIMER_DN_HOUR
- IconFilename: Pstopwatch.bmp
- SystemCreated: 'true'
- Type: Standard
- DefaultControllerProgramName: null
- NumberOfParameterTags: '3'
- NumberOfReportTags: '2'
- NumberOfRequestTags: '0'
- NumberOfMessagePartners: '0'
- ParameterTagLockEnabled: 'true'
- RecipeParameter:
- ID: '1'
- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EnumerationDefault: COUNT_DOWN
- EnumerationSetName: $TIMER_TYPE
- RecipeParameter:
- ID: '2'
- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EnumerationDefault: CONTINUE
- EnumerationSetName: $HOLD_BEHAVIOR
- RecipeParameter:
- ID: '3'
- Type: Real
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- RealDefault: '5'
- RealMin: '0.003'
- RealMax: '1152'
- EngineeringUnits: HOURS
- ParameterLimit:
- VerificationMethod: No_Limits
- LimitScale: 'false'
- NormalAction: None
- NormalSignatureTemplate: null
- HighLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighValue: null
- LowValue: null
- HighHighLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighValue: null
- LowLowValue: null
- HighHighHighLowLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighHighLowLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighHighValue: null
- LowLowLowValue: null
- ReportParameter:
- ID: '1'
- Type: Real
- Accumulate: '0'
- ERPAlias: null
- UploadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EngineeringUnits: HOURS
- ReportLimit:
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- LimitScale: 'false'
- NormalAction: None
- NormalSignatureTemplate: null
- HighLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighValue: null
- LowValue: null
- HighHighLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighValue: null
- LowLowValue: null
- HighHighHighLowLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighHighLowLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighHighValue: null
- LowLowLowValue: null
- VerificationLimitCalculation: Absolute
- TargetParameter: null
- ReportParameter:
- ID: '2'
- Type: Real
- Accumulate: '0'
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- UploadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
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- ReportLimit:
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- HighLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighValue: null
- LowValue: null
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- HighHighValue: null
- LowLowValue: null
- HighHighHighLowLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighHighLowLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighHighValue: null
- LowLowLowValue: null
- VerificationLimitCalculation: Absolute
- TargetParameter: null
- RecipePhase:
- UniqueName: $TIMER_DN_DAY
- IconFilename: Pstopwatch.bmp
- SystemCreated: 'true'
- Type: Standard
- DefaultControllerProgramName: null
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- NumberOfReportTags: '2'
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- NumberOfMessagePartners: '0'
- ParameterTagLockEnabled: 'true'
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- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
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- Contexts: null
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- ID: '2'
- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
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- Type: Real
- Scale: 'false'
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- Contexts: null
- RealDefault: '5'
- RealMin: '0'
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- HighValue: null
- LowValue: null
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- HighHighValue: null
- LowLowValue: null
- HighHighHighLowLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighHighLowLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
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- LowLowLowValue: null
- ReportParameter:
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- Contexts: null
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- HighValue: null
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- HighHighValue: null
- LowLowValue: null
- HighHighHighLowLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
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- LowLowLowValue: null
- VerificationLimitCalculation: Absolute
- TargetParameter: null
- ReportParameter:
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- Type: Real
- Accumulate: '0'
- ERPAlias: null
- UploadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
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- HighValue: null
- LowValue: null
- HighHighLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
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- HighHighValue: null
- LowLowValue: null
- HighHighHighLowLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighHighLowLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighHighValue: null
- LowLowLowValue: null
- VerificationLimitCalculation: Absolute
- TargetParameter: null
- RecipePhase:
- UniqueName: $TIMER_UP_SECOND
- IconFilename: Pstopwatch.bmp
- SystemCreated: 'true'
- Type: Standard
- DefaultControllerProgramName: null
- NumberOfParameterTags: '2'
- NumberOfReportTags: '1'
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- ParameterTagLockEnabled: 'true'
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- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EnumerationDefault: COUNT_UP
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- RecipeParameter:
- ID: '2'
- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EnumerationDefault: CONTINUE
- EnumerationSetName: $HOLD_BEHAVIOR
- ReportParameter:
- ID: '1'
- Type: Real
- Accumulate: '0'
- ERPAlias: null
- UploadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EngineeringUnits: SECONDS
- ReportLimit:
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- NormalSignatureTemplate: null
- HighLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighValue: null
- LowValue: null
- HighHighLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighValue: null
- LowLowValue: null
- HighHighHighLowLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighHighLowLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighHighValue: null
- LowLowLowValue: null
- VerificationLimitCalculation: Absolute
- TargetParameter: null
- RecipePhase:
- UniqueName: $TIMER_UP_MINUTE
- IconFilename: Pstopwatch.bmp
- SystemCreated: 'true'
- Type: Standard
- DefaultControllerProgramName: null
- NumberOfParameterTags: '2'
- NumberOfReportTags: '1'
- NumberOfRequestTags: '0'
- NumberOfMessagePartners: '0'
- ParameterTagLockEnabled: 'true'
- RecipeParameter:
- ID: '1'
- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EnumerationDefault: COUNT_UP
- EnumerationSetName: $TIMER_TYPE
- RecipeParameter:
- ID: '2'
- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EnumerationDefault: CONTINUE
- EnumerationSetName: $HOLD_BEHAVIOR
- ReportParameter:
- ID: '1'
- Type: Real
- Accumulate: '0'
- ERPAlias: null
- UploadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EngineeringUnits: MINUTES
- ReportLimit:
- VerificationMethod: No_Limits
- LimitScale: 'false'
- NormalAction: None
- NormalSignatureTemplate: null
- HighLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighValue: null
- LowValue: null
- HighHighLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighValue: null
- LowLowValue: null
- HighHighHighLowLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighHighLowLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighHighValue: null
- LowLowLowValue: null
- VerificationLimitCalculation: Absolute
- TargetParameter: null
- RecipePhase:
- UniqueName: $TIMER_UP_HOUR
- IconFilename: Pstopwatch.bmp
- SystemCreated: 'true'
- Type: Standard
- DefaultControllerProgramName: null
- NumberOfParameterTags: '2'
- NumberOfReportTags: '1'
- NumberOfRequestTags: '0'
- NumberOfMessagePartners: '0'
- ParameterTagLockEnabled: 'true'
- RecipeParameter:
- ID: '1'
- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EnumerationDefault: COUNT_UP
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- RecipeParameter:
- ID: '2'
- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EnumerationDefault: CONTINUE
- EnumerationSetName: $HOLD_BEHAVIOR
- ReportParameter:
- ID: '1'
- Type: Real
- Accumulate: '0'
- ERPAlias: null
- UploadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EngineeringUnits: HOURS
- ReportLimit:
- VerificationMethod: No_Limits
- LimitScale: 'false'
- NormalAction: None
- NormalSignatureTemplate: null
- HighLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighValue: null
- LowValue: null
- HighHighLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighValue: null
- LowLowValue: null
- HighHighHighLowLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighHighLowLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighHighValue: null
- LowLowLowValue: null
- VerificationLimitCalculation: Absolute
- TargetParameter: null
- RecipePhase:
- UniqueName: $TIMER_UP_DAY
- IconFilename: Pstopwatch.bmp
- SystemCreated: 'true'
- Type: Standard
- DefaultControllerProgramName: null
- NumberOfParameterTags: '2'
- NumberOfReportTags: '1'
- NumberOfRequestTags: '0'
- NumberOfMessagePartners: '0'
- ParameterTagLockEnabled: 'true'
- RecipeParameter:
- ID: '1'
- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EnumerationDefault: COUNT_UP
- EnumerationSetName: $TIMER_TYPE
- RecipeParameter:
- ID: '2'
- Type: Enumeration
- Scale: 'false'
- DownloadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EnumerationDefault: CONTINUE
- EnumerationSetName: $HOLD_BEHAVIOR
- ReportParameter:
- ID: '1'
- Type: Real
- Accumulate: '0'
- ERPAlias: null
- UploadFlags: '65535'
- Contexts: null
- EngineeringUnits: DAYS
- ReportLimit:
- VerificationMethod: No_Limits
- LimitScale: 'false'
- NormalAction: None
- NormalSignatureTemplate: null
- HighLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighValue: null
- LowValue: null
- HighHighLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighValue: null
- LowLowValue: null
- HighHighHighLowLowLowAction: SignatureTemplate
- HighHighHighLowLowLowSignatureTemplate: null
- HighHighHighValue: null
- LowLowLowValue: null
- VerificationLimitCalculation: Absolute
- TargetParameter: null
- RecipePhase:
- UniqueName: $NULL
- IconFilename: Pstopwatch.bmp
- SystemCreated: 'true'
- Type: Standard
- DefaultControllerProgramName: null
- NumberOfParameterTags: '0'
- NumberOfReportTags: '0'
- NumberOfRequestTags: '0'
- NumberOfMessagePartners: '0'
- ParameterTagLockEnabled: 'true'
- RecipePhase:
- UniqueName: PHASE1
- IconFilename: Pagitator.bmp
- SystemCreated: 'false'
- Type: Standard
- DefaultControllerProgramName: null
- NumberOfParameterTags: '0'
- NumberOfReportTags: '0'
- NumberOfRequestTags: '0'
- NumberOfMessagePartners: '0'
- ParameterTagLockEnabled: 'true'
- ProcessCell:
- attributes:
XPos: '160'
YPos: '73'
- UniqueName: PROCESS_CELL1
- Class: PCELL_CLS1
- UniqueID: '1'
- Logix5000UID: '0'
- MaxOwners: '1'
- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- ERPAlias: null
- ConfiguredUnitName: UNIT1
- ConfiguredUnitName: UNIT2
- Unit:
- attributes:
XPos: '101'
YPos: '84'
- UniqueName: UNIT1
- Class: UNIT_CLS1
- UniqueID: '2'
- Logix5000UID: '0'
- Server: null
- MaxOwners: '1'
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- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- ERPAlias: null
- ConfiguredEquipmentModuleName: PHASE11
- Unit:
- attributes:
XPos: '245'
YPos: '98'
- UniqueName: UNIT2
- Class: UNIT_CLS1
- UniqueID: '4'
- Logix5000UID: '0'
- Server: null
- MaxOwners: '1'
- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- ERPAlias: null
- EquipmentModule:
- attributes:
XPos: '266'
YPos: '225'
- UniqueName: PHASE11
- RecipePhase: PHASE1
- EquipmentPhaseType: TAGPHASE
- UniqueID: '3'
- MaxOwners: '1'
- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- CrossInvocationString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- HyperlinkString: null
- ERPAlias: null
- UploadDownloadFlags: '0'
- InstructionBasedConfiguration:
- InstructionFilePathname: instruction.htm
- CreateParameterLimitTag: 'false'
- CreateReportLimitTag: 'false'
- OnControlScanRate: '1000'
- OffControlScanRate: '60000'
- ControlTagCommand:
- Server: InstructionBasedServer
- DataType: Integer
- ReadAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- ReadItemName: PHASE11.OC
- WriteAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- WriteItemName: PHASE11.OCW
- ControlTagFailure:
- Server: InstructionBasedServer
- DataType: Integer
- ReadAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- ReadItemName: PHASE11.F
- WriteAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- WriteItemName: PHASE11.FW
- ControlTagOwner:
- Server: InstructionBasedServer
- DataType: Integer
- ReadAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- ReadItemName: PHASE11.W
- WriteAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- WriteItemName: PHASE11.WW
- ControlTagPause:
- Server: InstructionBasedServer
- DataType: Integer
- ReadAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- ReadItemName: PHASE11.P
- WriteAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- WriteItemName: PHASE11.PW
- ControlTagPaused:
- Server: InstructionBasedServer
- DataType: Integer
- ReadAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- ReadItemName: PHASE11.PD
- WriteAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- WriteItemName: PHASE11.PDW
- ControlTagRequest:
- Server: InstructionBasedServer
- DataType: Integer
- ReadAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- ReadItemName: PHASE11.RQ
- WriteAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- WriteItemName: PHASE11.RQW
- ControlTagSingleStep:
- Server: InstructionBasedServer
- DataType: Integer
- ReadAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- ReadItemName: PHASE11.SS
- WriteAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- WriteItemName: PHASE11.SSW
- ControlTagStatus:
- Server: InstructionBasedServer
- DataType: Integer
- ReadAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- ReadItemName: PHASE11.ST
- WriteAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- WriteItemName: PHASE11.STW
- ControlTagStepIndex:
- Server: InstructionBasedServer
- DataType: Integer
- ReadAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- ReadItemName: PHASE11.SI
- WriteAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- WriteItemName: PHASE11.SIW
- ControlTagUnit:
- Server: InstructionBasedServer
- DataType: Integer
- ReadAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- ReadItemName: PHASE11.UN
- WriteAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- WriteItemName: PHASE11.UNW
- RequestTag:
- Server: InstructionBasedServer
- DataType: Integer
- ReadAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- ReadItemName: PHASE11.Q01
- WriteAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- WriteItemName: PHASE11.Q01W
- RequestTag:
- Server: InstructionBasedServer
- DataType: Integer
- ReadAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- ReadItemName: PHASE11.Q02
- WriteAccessPath: INSTRUCTIONS
- WriteItemName: PHASE11.Q02W