--- kind: pipeline type: docker name: convert platform: os: linux arch: amd64 clone: disable: false steps: - name: "git - pre format" when: branch: - format-branch image: alpine/git:latest commands: - git config credential.helper '!f() { sleep 1; echo "username=$${GIT_USER}"; echo "password=$${GIT_PASSWORD}"; }; f' - git log -n 1 - git fetch - git checkout master - git log -n 1 - git pull origin master - git log -n 1 # - git branch -D product-development - git checkout -b product-development #- git merge format-branch #- git merge --squash --no-commit --strategy-option=theirs format-branch - git log -n 1 - git checkout format-branch **/*.* - git status - git log -n 1 environment: GIT_PASSWORD: from_secret: GIT_PASSWORD GIT_USER: from_secret: GIT_USER - name: "convert to xml" image: sigyl/zone-10-batch2yaml:latest when: branch: - master - product-development commands: - node /app/servers/apps/batch2yaml/build/index.js . xml volumes: - name: dockersock path: /var/run - name: "convert to yml" image: sigyl/zone-10-batch2yaml:latest when: branch: - format-branch commands: - node /app/servers/apps/batch2yaml/build/index.js . delete - node /app/servers/apps/batch2yaml/build/index.js . yml volumes: - name: dockersock path: /var/run - name: "git - status" when: branch: - master - deployed image: alpine/git:latest commands: - git status volumes: - name: dockersock path: /var/run - name: "git - deployed" when: branch: - master image: alpine/git:latest commands: - git config credential.helper '!f() { sleep 1; echo "username=$${GIT_USER}"; echo "password=$${GIT_PASSWORD}"; }; f' - git add -A - git commit -m "deploying- $${DRONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE}" - git push -f origin HEAD:deployed environment: GIT_PASSWORD: from_secret: GIT_PASSWORD GIT_USER: from_secret: GIT_USER - name: "git - product-development - build" when: branch: - product-development image: alpine/git:latest commands: - git config credential.helper '!f() { sleep 1; echo "username=$${GIT_USER}"; echo "password=$${GIT_PASSWORD}"; }; f' - git add -A - git commit -m "$${DRONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE}" - git push -f origin HEAD:product-development-build environment: GIT_PASSWORD: from_secret: GIT_PASSWORD GIT_USER: from_secret: GIT_USER - name: "git - product-development" when: branch: - format-branch image: alpine/git:latest commands: - git config credential.helper '!f() { sleep 1; echo "username=$${GIT_USER}"; echo "password=$${GIT_PASSWORD}"; }; f' - git add -A - git commit -m "$${DRONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE}" - git push -f origin HEAD:product-development environment: GIT_PASSWORD: from_secret: GIT_PASSWORD GIT_USER: from_secret: GIT_USER volumes: - name: dockersock path: /var/run services: - name: docker image: docker:19.03.12-dind@sha256:8dded163e463f4a59bf305b3dca98e312b2cfb89a43da3872e48f95a7554c48f privileged: true volumes: - name: dockersock path: /var/run - name: ca path: /etc/docker/certs.d - name: daemonjson path: /etc/docker/daemon.json volumes: - name: dockersock temp: {} - name: ca host: path: /etc/docker/certs.d - name: daemonjson host: path: /etc/docker/daemon.json trigger: branch: - format-branch - master - product-development event: - push