Create and automatically renew website SSL certificates using the free [letsencrypt]( certificate authority, and its client [*certbot*](, built on top of the [nginx]( webserver.
This repository was originally forked from `@henridwyer`, many thanks to him for the good idea. It has since been completely rewritten, and bears almost no resemblance to the original. This repository is _much_ more opinionated about the structure of your webservers/containers, however it is easier to use as long as all of your webservers follow the given pattern.
Launch that docker-compose file, and you're good to go; `certbot` will automatically request an SSL certificate for any `nginx` sites that look for SSL certificates in `/etc/letsencrypt/live`, and will automatically renew them over time.
Note: using a `server` block that listens on port 80 may cause issues with renewal. This container will already handle forwarding to port 443, so they are unnecessary.
You may wish to template your configurations, e.g. passing in a hostname so as to be able to run multiple identical copies of this container; one per website. The docker container will use [`envsubst`]( to template all mounted user configs with a user-provided list of environment variables. Example:
- Many improvements thanks to contributors from across the globe. Together, we have drastically reduced the amount of customization needed; configs can be mounted directly into a prebuilt image, and the configurations can even be templated.
- Complete rewrite, build this image on top of the `nginx` image, and run `cron`/`certbot` alongside `nginx` so that we can have nginx configs dynamically enabled as we get SSL certificates.