# stack * [Gitea](https://gitea.io/en-us/) * [Drone](https://drone.io/) * [Guacamole](https://guacamole.apache.org/) * [Ghost](https://ghost.org/) * [Rocket Chat](https://rocket.chat/) In a [docker](https://www.docker.com/) stack. ## static ip [![Build Status](https://sigyl.com:5000/api/badges/giles/stack/status.svg)](https://sigyl.com:5000/giles/stack) * home - https://sigyl.com/ * git - https://sigyl.com/git/ * drone - https://sigyl.com:5000/ * ghost - https://sigyl.com/blog/ * guacamole - https://sigyl.com/remote/ * chat - https://sigyl.com/chat/ [drone.do.yml](drone.do.yml) - [docker-compose-do.yml](docker-compose-do.yml) ## tunnelled with ngrok (very slow if home internet) [![Build Status](https://drone.sigyl.com/api/badges/giles/stack/status.svg)](https://drone.sigyl.com/giles/stack) * git - https://git.sigyl.com/ * drone - https://drone.sigyl.com/ * guacamole - https://remote.sigyl.com/ ## installation Once installed and running the system can redeploy itself. However initially you need to do this yourself. you need a docker swarm set up with nodes with the following labels * com.sigyl.git-stack=yes * com.sigyl.git-stack-data=yes ### make a folder and give yourself access ``` sudo mkdir /stack sudo chown -R $USER:$USER cd /stack ``` ### clone the repository ``` cd /stack git clone https://sigyl.com/git/giles/stack.git deploy cd deploy git checkout home-deploy ```