# stack * [Gitea](https://gitea.io/en-us/) * [Drone](https://drone.io/) * [Guacamole](https://guacamole.apache.org/) * [Ghost](https://ghost.org/) * [Rocket Chat](https://rocket.chat/) In a [docker](https://www.docker.com/) stack. ## static ip [![Build Status](https://sigyl.com:5000/api/badges/giles/stack/status.svg)](https://sigyl.com:5000/giles/stack) * home - https://sigyl.com/ * git - https://sigyl.com/git/ * drone - https://sigyl.com:5000/ * ghost - https://sigyl.com/blog/ * guacamole - https://sigyl.com/remote/ * chat - https://sigyl.com/chat/ [drone.do.yml](drone.do.yml) - [docker-compose-do.yml](docker-compose-do.yml) ## tunnelled with ngrok (very slow if home internet) [![Build Status](https://drone.git.sigyl.com/api/badges/giles/stack/status.svg)](https://drone.git.sigyl.com/giles/stack) * home - https://git.sigyl.com * git - https://git.sigyl.com/git * blog - https://git.sigyl.com/blog * chat - https://git.sigyl.com/chat * drone - https://drone.git.sigyl.com/ * guacamole - https://git.sigyl.com/remote ## installation Once installed and running the system can redeploy itself. However initially you need to do this yourself. ### docker you need a docker swarm set up with nodes with the following labels * com.sigyl.git-stack=yes * com.sigyl.git-stack-data=yes ### global environment the following environment variables need to be defined (define your own values) ``` echo 'export SIGYL_STACK_ROOT=/stack/deploy' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/sigyl-stack.sh echo 'export SIGYL_STACK_NAME=stack' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/sigyl-stack.sh sh /etc/profile.d/sigyl-stack.sh ``` ### make a folder and give yourself access ``` sudo mkdir -p $SIGYL_STACK_ROOT cd /stack sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $SIGYL_STACK_ROOT ``` ### clone the repository ``` cd /stack git clone https://sigyl.com/git/giles/stack.git $SIGYL_STACK_ROOT cd $SIGYL_STACK_ROOT git checkout home-deploy ``` ### make certificates for the registry these certificates will be in .ca and .certificates where $REGISTRY_DOMAIN is the host where the stack will run it should be on the local subnet ie trafic should not have to go over the internet. eg git.local-domain ``` cd $SIGYL_STACK_ROOT/certificates sh ca.sh $REGISTRY_DOMAIN:5003 sh make-cert.sh $REGISTRY_DOMAIN registry ``` ### make environment variables ``` export TITLE=SiGyl Ltd export DESCRIPTION=Software Development export CERTBOT_EMAIL=giles.bradshaw@sigyl.com export DRONE_DOMAIN=drone.sigyl.com export DRONE_GITEA_SERVER=https://sigyl.com/git export DRONE_SERVER_HOST=sigyl.com:5000 export GIT_DOMAIN=sigyl.com export LOCAL_DOCKER_REGISTRY=sigyl.com:5001/ export SSH_HOST= export GUACAMOLE_POSTGRES_DB=guacamole_db export GUACAMOLE_POSTGRES_USER=guacamole_user export SIGYL_STACK_ROOT=/root/stack-deploy export SIGYL_STACK_NAME=gitea export DRONE_GITEA_CLIENT_ID=??? export DRONE_CONVERT_SECRET=??? export DRONE_GITEA_CLIENT_SECRET=??? export DRONE_RPC_SECRET=??? export GUACAMOLE_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=??? export NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN=??? ``` ### build images ``` sh build.sh $SIGYL_STACK_ROOT ``` ### initial deploy of stack ``` cd $SIGYL_STACK_ROOT docker stack deploy -c docker-compose-home.yml $SIGYL_STACK_NAME ``` ### initialise postgres database find postgres id as $ID ``` docker ps | grep stack_guacamole-postgresql.1 ``` ``` sh init-postgresql.sh $ID ``` ## initialise mongo get mongo id as $ID ``` docker ps | grep stack_chat-mongo.1 ``` ``` sh init-mongo-chat.sh $ID ``` ### scale chat and ngrok and nginx ``` sh init-scale.sh stack ``` ### create a gitea drone application This might be on your local gitea or some other one. set environment variables for it as follows (example values): ``` export DRONE_GITEA_SERVER=https://sigyl.com/git export DRONE_GITEA_CLIENT_ID=38218ed5-cf18-47e7-1234-710173dae499 export DRONE_GITEA_CLIENT_SECRET=ytsgdyXI_6zUrqwsI1wsssBAaUcsp27EyecT4nk5fA= ``` ### redeploy ``` docker stack deploy -c docker-compose-home.yml $SIGYL_STACK_NAME sh init-scale.sh stack ``` ### drone secrets Where these end up in environment variables they will be capitalised and underscored. Secrets are revealed in a file named ~/env-stack during deployment. (keys etc are hidden) #### certbot-email Email for lets encrypt certbot #### description Description of the application. #### drone-convert-secret Random secret for starlark conversion container. #### drone-domain The domain the drone server is tunneled to. #### drone-gitea-client-id The id of the gitea drone application. #### drone-gitea-client-secret The secret of the gitea drone application. #### drone-gitea-server URL of the gitea server. #### drone-rpc-secret Random secret for drone server + runners. #### drone-server-host host name (and port) for drone server. #### git-domain This is the domain where the application will be served (via ngrok if applicable). #### guacamole-postgres-db Name of the db. #### guacamole-postgres-password Password for the db (no spaces). #### guacamole-postgres-user User for the db. #### local-docker-registry Registry where images will be pushed. (with trailing slash) #### ngrok-auth-token Authentication token for ngrok. #### sigyl-stack-name The name of the stack. #### sigyl-stack-root The file path where stack deployed to. #### ssh-host Host for the stack (must be a leader). #### ssh-key Not used atm. #### ssh-passphrase Not used atm. #### ssh-password Password for ssh. #### ssh-port Port for ssh. #### ssh-root-password Password for root user. #### ssh-root-user Ssh root user. #### ssh-user Ssh user. #### title Application title.