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2020-08-11 09:47:45 +00:00
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
2020-10-23 00:07:08 +00:00
### [0.0.6]( "chore(release): 0.0.6" (2020-10-23)
### Features
* print, build, save, registry, deploy ([50a035e](
2020-09-25 09:09:12 +00:00
### [0.0.5]( "chore(release): 0.0.5" (2020-09-25)
### Features
* registry promotion ([3b16cde](
2020-08-28 20:54:34 +00:00
### [0.0.4]( "chore(release): 0.0.4" (2020-08-19)
### Bug Fixes
* build and deloy scripts ([b6f60a1](
2020-08-11 12:21:11 +00:00
### [0.0.3]( "chore(release): 0.0.3" (2020-08-11)
2020-08-11 12:20:37 +00:00
### [0.0.2]( (2020-08-11)
2020-08-11 09:47:45 +00:00
### 0.0.1 (2020-08-11)