Updated release script

no issue
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Lockyer 2020-04-03 16:16:26 +01:00
parent 14f7cc4e31
commit 31d43860ac
2 changed files with 57 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
"github": {
"username": "<username>",
"token": "<gh-personal-access-token>"

View File

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ const easyimport = require('postcss-easy-import');
const REPO = 'TryGhost/Casper';
const REPO_READONLY = 'TryGhost/Casper';
const USER_AGENT = 'Casper';
const CHANGELOG_PATH = path.join(process.cwd(), '.', 'changelog.md');
function serve(done) {
@ -94,25 +93,6 @@ const hbsWatcher = () => watch(['*.hbs', 'partials/**/*.hbs'], hbs);
const watcher = parallel(cssWatcher, hbsWatcher);
const build = series(css, js);
const previousRelease = () => {
return releaseUtils
userAgent: USER_AGENT,
uri: `https://api.github.com/repos/${REPO_READONLY}/releases`
.then(response => {
if (!response || !response.length) {
console.log('No releases found. Skipping...');
let prevVersion = response[0].tag_name || response[0].name;
console.log(`Previous version ${prevVersion}`);
return prevVersion;
exports.build = build;
exports.zip = series(build, zipper);
exports.default = series(build, serve, watcher);
@ -137,52 +117,72 @@ exports.release = () => {
config = null;
if (!config || !config.github || !config.github.username || !config.github.token) {
if (!config || !config.github || !config.github.token) {
console.log('Please copy config.example.json and configure Github token.');
let compatibleWithGhost;
return inquirer.prompt([{
type: 'input',
name: 'compatibleWithGhost',
message: 'Which version of Ghost is it compatible with?',
default: '3.0.0'
}]).then(result => {
let compatibleWithGhost = result.compatibleWithGhost;
.then(result => {
compatibleWithGhost = result.compatibleWithGhost;
return Promise.resolve();
.then(() => releaseUtils.releases.get({
userAgent: 'Casper',
uri: `https://api.github.com/repos/${REPO_READONLY}/releases`
.then((response) => {
if (!response || !response.length) {
console.log('No releases found. Skipping...');
previousRelease().then(previousVersion => {
const changelog = new releaseUtils.Changelog({
changelogPath: CHANGELOG_PATH,
folder: path.join(process.cwd(), '.')
githubRepoPath: `https://github.com/${REPO}`,
lastVersion: previousVersion
draft: true,
preRelease: false,
tagName: newVersion,
releaseName: newVersion,
userAgent: USER_AGENT,
uri: `https://api.github.com/repos/${REPO}/releases`,
github: {
username: config.github.username,
token: config.github.token
content: [`**Compatible with Ghost ≥ ${compatibleWithGhost}**\n\n`],
changelogPath: CHANGELOG_PATH
.then(response => {
console.log(`\nRelease draft generated: ${response.releaseUrl}\n`);
let previousVersion = response[0].tag_name || response[0].name;
console.log(`Previous version: ${previousVersion}`);
return Promise.resolve(previousVersion);
.then((previousVersion) => {
const changelog = new releaseUtils.Changelog({
changelogPath: CHANGELOG_PATH,
folder: path.join(process.cwd(), '.')
githubRepoPath: `https://github.com/${REPO}`,
lastVersion: previousVersion
return Promise.resolve();
.then(() => releaseUtils.releases.create({
draft: true,
preRelease: false,
tagName: newVersion,
releaseName: newVersion + '+banana',
userAgent: 'Casper',
uri: `https://api.github.com/repos/${REPO}/releases`,
github: {
token: config.github.token
content: [`**Compatible with Ghost ≥ ${compatibleWithGhost}**\n\n`],
changelogPath: CHANGELOG_PATH
.then((response) => {
console.log(`\nRelease draft generated: ${response.releaseUrl}\n`);
return Promise.resolve();
.catch((err) => {