Added contact form to the home page

This commit is contained in:
Julien Nahum 2023-03-27 15:02:47 +02:00
parent 16f13294e3
commit 999b25c11c
3 changed files with 8 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<div class="p-4 border-b sticky top-0 z-10 bg-white">
<v-button v-track.save_form_click class="hidden md:block w-full" :loading="updateFormLoading"
<v-button v-track.save_form_click class="w-full" :loading="updateFormLoading"
<svg class="w-4 h-4 text-white inline mr-1 -mt-1" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M17 21V13H7V21M7 3V8H15M19 21H5C4.46957 21 3.96086 20.7893 3.58579 20.4142C3.21071 20.0391 3 19.5304 3 19V5C3 4.46957 3.21071 3.96086 3.58579 3.58579C3.96086 3.21071 4.46957 3 5 3H16L21 8V19C21 19.5304 20.7893 20.0391 20.4142 20.4142C20.0391 20.7893 19.5304 21 19 21Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<p class="w-full mt-2 mb-8">
OpnForm makes form building easy and comes with powerful features.
<div class="grid grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3 mt-10 mb-5 ml-5 md:ml-0">
<div class="grid grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3 mt-10 mb-5 ml-5 md:ml-0 px-4">
<div class="flex font-semibold my-3">
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<path d="M10.5 3.5H17.8C18.9201 3.5 19.4802 3.5 19.908 3.71799C20.2843 3.90973 20.5903 4.21569 20.782 4.59202C21 5.01984 21 5.57989 21 6.7V8C21 8.93188 21 9.39783 20.8478 9.76537C20.6448 10.2554 20.2554 10.6448 19.7654 10.8478C19.3978 11 18.9319 11 18 11M12.5 18.5H5.2C4.0799 18.5 3.51984 18.5 3.09202 18.282C2.71569 18.0903 2.40973 17.7843 2.21799 17.408C2 16.9802 2 16.4201 2 15.3V14C2 13.0681 2 12.6022 2.15224 12.2346C2.35523 11.7446 2.74458 11.3552 3.23463 11.1522C3.60218 11 4.06812 11 5 11M9.8 13.5H13.2C13.48 13.5 13.62 13.5 13.727 13.4455C13.8211 13.3976 13.8976 13.3211 13.9455 13.227C14 13.12 14 12.98 14 12.7V9.3C14 9.01997 14 8.87996 13.9455 8.773C13.8976 8.67892 13.8211 8.60243 13.727 8.5545C13.62 8.5 13.48 8.5 13.2 8.5H9.8C9.51997 8.5 9.37996 8.5 9.273 8.5545C9.17892 8.60243 9.10243 8.67892 9.0545 8.773C9 8.87996 9 9.01997 9 9.3V12.7C9 12.98 9 13.12 9.0545 13.227C9.10243 13.3211 9.17892 13.3976 9.273 13.4455C9.37996 13.5 9.51997 13.5 9.8 13.5ZM17.3 21H20.7C20.98 21 21.12 21 21.227 20.9455C21.3211 20.8976 21.3976 20.8211 21.4455 20.727C21.5 20.62 21.5 20.48 21.5 20.2V16.8C21.5 16.52 21.5 16.38 21.4455 16.273C21.3976 16.1789 21.3211 16.1024 21.227 16.0545C21.12 16 20.98 16 20.7 16H17.3C17.02 16 16.88 16 16.773 16.0545C16.6789 16.1024 16.6024 16.1789 16.5545 16.273C16.5 16.38 16.5 16.52 16.5 16.8V20.2C16.5 20.48 16.5 20.62 16.5545 20.727C16.6024 20.8211 16.6789 20.8976 16.773 20.9455C16.88 21 17.02 21 17.3 21ZM2.3 6H5.7C5.98003 6 6.12004 6 6.227 5.9455C6.32108 5.89757 6.39757 5.82108 6.4455 5.727C6.5 5.62004 6.5 5.48003 6.5 5.2V1.8C6.5 1.51997 6.5 1.37996 6.4455 1.273C6.39757 1.17892 6.32108 1.10243 6.227 1.0545C6.12004 1 5.98003 1 5.7 1H2.3C2.01997 1 1.87996 1 1.773 1.0545C1.67892 1.10243 1.60243 1.17892 1.5545 1.273C1.5 1.37996 1.5 1.51997 1.5 1.8V5.2C1.5 5.48003 1.5 5.62004 1.5545 5.727C1.60243 5.82108 1.67892 5.89757 1.773 5.9455C1.87996 6 2.01997 6 2.3 6Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
<div class="w-full bg-blue-900 p-12 md:p-24 text-center">
<h4 class="font-semibold text-3xl text-white">Take your forms to the next level</h4>
<p class="text-gray-300 my-8">No trial. Generous, unlimited free plan.</p>
<p class="text-gray-300 my-8">Generous, unlimited free plan.</p>
<div class="mt-6 flex justify-center">
<v-button :to="{ name: 'forms.create.guest' }" v-track.welcome_create_form_click :arrow="true" color="blue">
Create a form for FREE
@ -94,6 +94,11 @@
<p class="mt-12 text-white text-lg">The form below is an OpnForm, give it a try !</p>
<div class="md:max-w-5xl md:mx-auto w-full bg-white rounded-md mt-6 p-4 shadow-lg">
<iframe class="mt-4" style="border:none;width:100%;" height="470px" src=""></iframe>
<open-form-footer class="dark:border-t border-t"/>