'array', 'database_fields_update' => 'array', 'closes_at' => 'datetime', 'tags' => 'array', 'removed_properties' => 'array', 'seo_meta' => 'object', 'notification_settings' => 'object' ]; protected $appends = [ 'share_url', ]; protected $hidden = [ 'workspace_id', 'notifies', 'slack_webhook_url', 'discord_webhook_url', 'webhook_url', 'send_submission_confirmation', 'redirect_url', 'database_fields_update', 'notification_sender', 'notification_subject', 'notification_body', 'notifications_include_submission', 'password', 'tags', 'notification_emails', 'removed_properties' ]; protected $cachableAttributes = [ 'is_pro', 'views_count', ]; /** * The event map for the model. * * @var array */ protected $dispatchesEvents = [ 'created' => FormCreated::class, ]; public function getIsProAttribute() { return $this->remember('is_pro', 15 * 60, function (): ?bool { return optional($this->workspace)->is_pro === true; }); } public function getShareUrlAttribute() { if ($this->custom_domain) { return 'https://' . $this->custom_domain . '/forms/' . $this->slug; } return '/forms/' . $this->slug; } public function getEditUrlAttribute() { return url('/forms/' . $this->slug . '/show'); } public function getSubmissionsCountAttribute() { return $this->submissions()->count(); } public function getViewsCountAttribute() { return $this->remember('views_count', 15 * 60, function (): int { if (env('DB_CONNECTION') == 'mysql') { return (int)($this->views()->count() + $this->statistics()->sum(DB::raw("json_extract(data, '$.views')"))); } return $this->views()->count() + $this->statistics()->sum(DB::raw("cast(data->>'views' as integer)")); }); } public function setDescriptionAttribute($value) { // Strip out unwanted html $this->attributes['description'] = Purify::clean($value); } public function setSubmittedTextAttribute($value) { // Strip out unwanted html $this->attributes['submitted_text'] = Purify::clean($value); } public function setTagsAttribute($value) { if ($value == '') { $value = null; } $this->attributes['tags'] = json_encode($value); } public function getIsClosedAttribute() { return ($this->closes_at && now()->gt($this->closes_at)); } public function getFormPendingSubmissionKeyAttribute() { if ($this->updated_at?->timestamp) { return "openform-" . $this->id . "-pending-submission-" . substr($this->updated_at?->timestamp, -6); } return null; } public function getMaxNumberOfSubmissionsReachedAttribute() { return ($this->max_submissions_count && $this->max_submissions_count <= $this->submissions_count); } public function setClosedTextAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['closed_text'] = Purify::clean($value); } public function setMaxSubmissionsReachedTextAttribute($value) { $this->attributes['max_submissions_reached_text'] = Purify::clean($value); } public function getHasPasswordAttribute() { return !empty($this->password); } protected function removedProperties(): Attribute { return Attribute::make( get: function ($value) { return $value ? json_decode($value, true) : []; } ); } /** * Relationships */ public function workspace() { return $this->belongsTo(Workspace::class); } public function creator() { return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'creator_id'); } public function submissions() { return $this->hasMany(FormSubmission::class); } public function views() { return $this->hasMany(FormView::class); } public function statistics() { return $this->hasMany(FormStatistic::class); } public function zappierHooks() { return $this->hasMany(FormZapierWebhook::class); } /** * Config/options */ public function getSlugOptions(): SlugOptions { return SlugOptions::create() ->doNotGenerateSlugsOnUpdate() ->generateSlugsFrom(function (Form $form) { return $form->title . ' ' . Str::random(6); }) ->saveSlugsTo('slug'); } public static function newFactory() { return FormFactory::new(); } public function getNotifiesWebhookAttribute() { return !empty($this->webhook_url); } public function getNotifiesDiscordAttribute() { return !empty($this->discord_webhook_url); } public function getNotifiesSlackAttribute() { return !empty($this->slack_webhook_url); } }