form = $request->form; $this->maxFileSize = self::MAX_FILE_SIZE_PRO; $workspace = $this->form->workspace; if ($workspace && $workspace->is_enterprise) { $this->maxFileSize = self::MAX_FILE_SIZE_ENTERPRISE; } } /** * Validate form before use it * * @return bool */ public function authorize() { return !$this->form->is_closed && !$this->form->max_number_of_submissions_reached; } /** * Get the validation rules that apply to the form. * * @return array */ public function rules() { foreach ($this->form->properties as $property) { $rules = []; if (!$this->form->is_pro) { // If not pro then not check logic $property['logic'] = false; } // For get values instead of Id for select/multi select options $data = $this->toArray(); $selectionFields = collect($this->form->properties)->filter(function ($pro) { return in_array($pro['type'], ['select', 'multi_select']); }); foreach ($selectionFields as $field){ if(isset($data[$field['id']]) && is_array($data[$field['id']])){ $data[$field['id']] = array_map(function ($val) use ($field) { $tmpop = collect($field[$field['type']]['options'])->first(function ($op) use ($val) { return ($op['id'] === $val); }); return isset($tmpop['name']) ? $tmpop['name'] : ""; }, $data[$field['id']]); } }; if (FormLogicPropertyResolver::isRequired($property, $data)) { $rules[] = 'required'; // Required for checkboxes means true if ($property['type'] == 'checkbox') { $rules[] = 'accepted'; } } else { $rules[] = 'nullable'; } // Clean id to escape "." $propertyId = $property['id']; if (in_array($property['type'], ['multi_select'])) { $rules[] = 'array'; $this->requestRules[$propertyId.'.*'] = $this->getPropertyRules($property); } else { $rules = array_merge($rules, $this->getPropertyRules($property)); } $this->requestRules[$propertyId] = $rules; } // Validate hCaptcha if ($this->form->is_pro && $this->form->use_captcha) { $this->requestRules['h-captcha-response'] = [new ValidHCaptcha()]; } return $this->requestRules; } /** * Renames validated fields (because field names are ids) * @return array */ public function attributes() { $fields = []; foreach ($this->form->properties as $property) { $fields[$property['id']] = $property['name']; } return $fields; } /** * Return validation rules for a given form property * @param $property */ private function getPropertyRules($property): array { switch ($property['type']) { case 'text': case 'phone_number': return ['string']; case 'number': return ['numeric']; case 'select': case 'multi_select': if ($this->form->is_pro && ($property['allow_creation'] ?? false)) { return ['string']; } return [Rule::in($this->getSelectPropertyOptions($property))]; case 'checkbox': return ['boolean']; case 'url': if (isset($property['file_upload']) && $property['file_upload']) { $this->requestRules[$property['id'].'.*'] = [new StorageFile($this->maxFileSize)]; return ['array']; } return ['url']; case 'files': $allowedFileTypes = []; if($this->form->is_pro && !empty($property['allowed_file_types'])){ $allowedFileTypes = explode(",", $property['allowed_file_types']); } $this->requestRules[$property['id'].'.*'] = [new StorageFile($this->maxFileSize, $allowedFileTypes)]; return ['array']; case 'email': return ['email:filter']; case 'date': if (isset($property['date_range']) && $property['date_range']) { $this->requestRules[$property['id'].'.*'] = ['date']; return ['array']; } return ['date']; default: return []; } } private function getSelectPropertyOptions($property): array { $type = $property['type']; if (!isset($property[$type])) { return []; } return array_column($property[$type]['options'], 'name'); } protected function prepareForValidation() { // Escape all '\' in select options $receivedData = $this->toArray(); $mergeData = []; collect($this->form->properties)->filter(function ($property) { return in_array($property['type'], ['select', 'multi_select']); })->each(function ($property) use ($receivedData, &$mergeData) { $receivedValue = $receivedData[$property['id']] ?? null; if (!is_null($receivedValue)) { if (is_array($receivedValue)) { $mergeData[$property['id']] = collect($receivedValue)->map(function ($value) { $value = Str::of($value); return $value->replace( ["\e", "\f", "\n", "\r", "\t", "\v", "\\"], ["\\e", "\\f", "\\n", "\\r", "\\t", "\\v", "\\\\"] )->toString(); })->toArray(); } else { $receivedValue = Str::of($receivedValue); $mergeData[$property['id']] = $receivedValue->replace( ["\e", "\f", "\n", "\r", "\t", "\v", "\\"], ["\\e", "\\f", "\\n", "\\r", "\\t", "\\v", "\\\\"] )->toString(); } } }); $this->merge($mergeData); } }