'/', 'form_show' => '/forms/{slug}', 'login' => '/login', 'register' => '/register', 'reset_password' => '/password/reset', 'privacy_policy' => '/privacy-policy', 'terms_conditions' => '/terms-conditions', 'integrations' => '/integrations', 'templates' => '/form-templates', 'templates_show' => '/form-templates/{slug}', 'templates_types_show' => '/form-templates/types/{slug}', 'templates_industries_show' => '/form-templates/industries/{slug}', ]; /** * Metas for simple route (without needing to access DB) */ public const PATTERN_STATIC_META = [ 'login' => [ 'title' => 'Login', ], 'register' => [ 'title' => 'Create your account', ], 'reset_password' => [ 'title' => 'Reset your password', ], 'privacy_policy' => [ 'title' => 'Our Privacy Policy', ], 'terms_conditions' => [ 'title' => 'Our Terms & Conditions', ], 'integrations' => [ 'title' => 'Our Integrations', ], 'templates' => [ 'title' => 'Templates', 'description' => 'Our collection of beautiful templates to create your own forms!', ], ]; public const META_CACHE_DURATION = 60 * 60 * 12; // 12 hours public const META_CACHE_KEY_PREFIX = 'seo_meta_'; public function __construct(private Request $request) { } /** * Returns the right metas for a given route, caches meta for 1 hour. */ public function getMetas(): array { $cacheKey = self::META_CACHE_KEY_PREFIX.urlencode($this->request->path()); return Cache::remember($cacheKey, now()->addSeconds(self::META_CACHE_DURATION), function () { $pattern = $this->resolvePattern(); if ($this->hasPatternMetaGetter($pattern)) { // Custom function for pattern try { return array_merge($this->getDefaultMeta(), $this->{'get'.Str::studly($pattern).'Meta'}()); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->getDefaultMeta(); } } elseif (in_array($pattern, array_keys(self::PATTERN_STATIC_META))) { // Simple meta for pattern $meta = self::PATTERN_STATIC_META[$pattern]; if (isset($meta['title'])) { $meta['title'] .= $this->titleSuffix(); } if (isset($meta['image'])) { $meta['image'] = asset($meta['image']); } return array_merge($this->getDefaultMeta(), $meta); } return $this->getDefaultMeta(); }); } /** * Simulates the Laravel router to match route with Metas * * @return string */ private function resolvePattern() { foreach (self::URL_PATTERNS as $patternName => $patternData) { $path = rtrim($this->request->getPathInfo(), '/') ?: '/'; $route = (new Route('GET', $patternData, fn () => ''))->bind($this->request); if (preg_match($route->getCompiled()->getRegex(), rawurldecode($path))) { $this->patternData = $route->parameters(); return $patternName; } } return 'default'; } /** * Determine if a get mutator exists for a pattern. * * @param string $key * @return bool */ private function hasPatternMetaGetter($key) { return method_exists($this, 'get'.Str::studly($key).'Meta'); } private function titleSuffix() { return ' ยท '.config('app.name'); } private function getDefaultMeta(): array { return [ 'title' => 'Create beautiful forms for free'.$this->titleSuffix(), 'description' => "Create beautiful forms for free. Unlimited fields, unlimited submissions. It's free and it takes less than 1 minute to create your first form.", 'image' => asset('/img/social-preview.jpg'), ]; } private function getFormShowMeta(): array { $form = Form::whereSlug($this->patternData['slug'])->firstOrFail(); $meta = []; if ($form->is_pro && $form->seo_meta->page_title) { $meta['title'] = $form->seo_meta->page_title; } else { $meta['title'] = $form->title.$this->titleSuffix(); } if ($form->is_pro && $form->seo_meta->page_description) { $meta['description'] = $form->seo_meta->page_description; } elseif ($form->description) { $meta['description'] = Str::of($form->description)->limit(160); } if ($form->is_pro && $form->seo_meta->page_thumbnail) { $meta['image'] = $form->seo_meta->page_thumbnail; } elseif ($form->cover_picture) { $meta['image'] = $form->cover_picture; } return $meta; } private function getTemplatesShowMeta(): array { $template = Template::whereSlug($this->patternData['slug'])->firstOrFail(); return [ 'title' => $template->name.$this->titleSuffix(), 'description' => Str::of($template->short_description)->limit(140).' | Customize any template and create your own form in minutes.', 'image' => $template->image_url, ]; } private function getTemplatesTypesShowMeta(): array { $types = json_decode(file_get_contents(resource_path('data/forms/templates/types.json')), true); $type = $types[array_search($this->patternData['slug'], array_column($types, 'slug'))]; return [ 'title' => $type['meta_title'], 'description' => Str::of($type['meta_description'])->limit(140), ]; } private function getTemplatesIndustriesShowMeta(): array { $industries = json_decode(file_get_contents(resource_path('data/forms/templates/industries.json')), true); $industry = $industries[array_search($this->patternData['slug'], array_column($industries, 'slug'))]; return [ 'title' => $industry['meta_title'], 'description' => Str::of($industry['meta_description'])->limit(140), ]; } }