actingAsUser(); $workspace = $this->createUserWorkspace($user); $form = $this->createForm($user, $workspace, [ 'send_submission_confirmation' => true, 'notifications_include_submission' => true, 'notification_sender' => 'Custom Sender', 'notification_subject' => 'Test subject', 'notification_body' => 'Test body', ]); $formData = [ collect($form->properties)->first(function ($property) { return $property['type'] == 'email'; })["id"] => "", ]; $event = new \App\Events\Forms\FormSubmitted($form, $formData); $mailable = new SubmissionConfirmationMail($event); $mailable->assertSeeInHtml('Test body') ->assertSeeInHtml('As a reminder, here are your answers:') ->assertSeeInHtml('You are receiving this email because you answered the form:'); }); it('creates confirmation emails without the submitted data', function () { $user = $this->actingAsUser(); $workspace = $this->createUserWorkspace($user); $form = $this->createForm($user, $workspace, [ 'send_submission_confirmation' => true, 'notifications_include_submission' => false, 'notification_sender' => 'Custom Sender', 'notification_subject' => 'Test subject', 'notification_body' => 'Test body', ]); $formData = [ collect($form->properties)->first(function ($property) { return $property['type'] == 'email'; })["id"] => "", ]; $event = new \App\Events\Forms\FormSubmitted($form, $formData); $mailable = new SubmissionConfirmationMail($event); $mailable->assertSeeInHtml('Test body') ->assertDontSeeInHtml('As a reminder, here are your answers:') ->assertSeeInHtml('You are receiving this email because you answered the form:'); }); it('sends a confirmation email if needed', function () { $user = $this->actingAsUser(); $workspace = $this->createUserWorkspace($user); $form = $this->createForm($user, $workspace, [ 'send_submission_confirmation' => true, 'notifications_include_submission' => true, 'notification_subject' => 'Test subject', ]); $emailProperty = collect($form->properties)->first(function ($property) { return $property['type'] == 'email'; }); $formData = [ $emailProperty["id"] => "", ]; Mail::fake(); $this->postJson(route('forms.answer', $form->slug), $formData) ->assertSuccessful() ->assertJson([ 'type' => 'success', 'message' => 'Form submission saved.' ]); Mail::assertQueued(SubmissionConfirmationMail::class, function (SubmissionConfirmationMail $mail) use ($formData, $emailProperty) { return $mail->hasTo(""); }); }); it('does not send a confirmation email if not needed', function () { $user = $this->actingAsUser(); $workspace = $this->createUserWorkspace($user); $form = $this->createForm($user, $workspace, [ 'send_submission_confirmation' => false, ]); $emailProperty = collect($form->properties)->first(function ($property) { return $property['type'] == 'email'; }); $formData = [ $emailProperty["id"] => "", ]; Mail::fake(); $this->postJson(route('forms.answer', $form->slug), $formData) ->assertSuccessful() ->assertJson([ 'type' => 'success', 'message' => 'Form submission saved.' ]); Mail::assertNotQueued(SubmissionConfirmationMail::class, function (SubmissionConfirmationMail $mail) use ($formData, $emailProperty) { return $mail->hasTo(""); }); });