Looking for a real person to speak to?
We're here for you! Just drop in your queries below and we'll connect with you as soon as we can.
"re_fillable": false,
"use_captcha": false,
"redirect_url": null,
"submitted_text": "Great, we've received your message. We'll get back to you as soon as we can :)
"uppercase_labels": false,
"submit_button_text": "Submit",
"re_fill_button_text": "Fill Again",
"color": "#64748b"
The form properties can only have one of the following types: 'text', 'number', 'select', 'multi_select', 'date', 'files', 'checkbox', 'url', 'email', 'phone_number', 'signature'.
All form properties objects need to have the keys 'help', 'name', 'type', 'hidden', 'placeholder', 'prefill'.
The placeholder property is optional (can be "null") and is used to display a placeholder text in the input field.
The help property is optional (can be "null") and is used to display extra information about the field.
For the type "select" and "multi_select", the input object must have a key "select" (or "multi_select") that's mapped to an object like this one:
"options": [
{"name": 1, "value": 1},
{"name": 2, "value": 2},
{"name": 3, "value": 3},
{"name": 4, "value": 4}
For numerical rating inputs, use a "number" type input and set the property "is_rating" to "true" to turn it into a star rating input. Ex:
"name":"How would you rate your overall experience?",
"is_rating": true
If the form is too long, you can paginate it by adding a page break block in the list of properties:
"name":"Page Break",
If you need to add more context to the form, you can add text blocks:
"name":"My Text",
"content": "This is a text block.
Give me the valid JSON object only, representing the following form: "[REPLACE]"
Do not ask me for more information about required properties or types, only suggest me a form structure.
const FORM_DESCRIPTION_PROMPT = <<setAiModel('gpt-3.5-turbo-16k')
->setSystemMessage('You are an assistant helping to generate forms.');
["role" => "user", "content" => Str::of(self::FORM_STRUCTURE_PROMPT)->replace('[REPLACE]', $this->argument('prompt'))->toString()]
], 6000);
$formData = $completer->getArray();
$formDescriptionPrompt = Str::of(self::FORM_DESCRIPTION_PROMPT)->replace('[REPLACE]', $this->argument('prompt'))->toString();
$formShortDescription = $completer->completeChat([
["role" => "user", "content" => Str::of(self::FORM_SHORT_DESCRIPTION_PROMPT)->replace('[REPLACE]', $this->argument('prompt'))->toString()]
// If description is between quotes, remove quotes
$formShortDescription = Str::of($formShortDescription)->replaceMatches('/^"(.*)"$/', '$1')->toString();
// Get industry & types
$industry = $this->getIndustries($completer, $this->argument('prompt'));
$types = $this->getTypes($completer, $this->argument('prompt'));
// Get Related Templates
$relatedTemplates = $this->getRelatedTemplates($industry, $types);
// Now get description and QAs
$formDescription = $completer->completeChat([
["role" => "user", "content" => $formDescriptionPrompt]
$formCoverKeywords = $completer->completeChat([
["role" => "user", "content" => $formDescriptionPrompt],
["role" => "assistant", "content" => $formDescription],
["role" => "user", "content" => self::FORM_IMG_KEYWORDS_PROMPT]
$imageUrl = $this->getImageCoverUrl($formCoverKeywords['search_query']);
$formQAs = $completer->completeChat([
["role" => "user", "content" => $formDescriptionPrompt],
["role" => "assistant", "content" => $formDescription],
["role" => "user", "content" => self::FORM_QAS_PROMPT]
$formTitle = $completer->completeChat([
["role" => "user", "content" => $formDescriptionPrompt],
["role" => "assistant", "content" => $formDescription],
["role" => "user", "content" => self::FORM_TITLE_PROMPT]
$template = $this->createFormTemplate(
$this->info('/form-templates/' . $template->slug);
// Set reverse related Templates
return Command::SUCCESS;
* Get an image cover URL for the template using unsplash API
private function getImageCoverUrl($searchQuery): ?string
$url = 'https://api.unsplash.com/search/photos?query=' . urlencode($searchQuery) . '&client_id=' . config('services.unsplash.access_key');
$response = Http::get($url)->json();
$photoIndex = rand(0, max(count($response['results']) - 1, 10));
if (isset($response['results'][$photoIndex]['urls']['regular'])) {
return Str::of($response['results'][$photoIndex]['urls']['regular'])->replace('w=1080', 'w=600')->toString();
return null;
private function getIndustries(GptCompleter $completer, string $formPrompt): array
$industriesString = Template::getAllIndustries()->pluck('slug')->join(', ');
return $completer->completeChat([
["role" => "user", "content" => Str::of(self::FORM_INDUSTRY_PROMPT)
->replace('[REPLACE]', $formPrompt)
->replace('[INDUSTRIES]', $industriesString)
private function getTypes(GptCompleter $completer, string $formPrompt): array
$typesString = Template::getAllTypes()->pluck('slug')->join(', ');
return $completer->completeChat([
["role" => "user", "content" => Str::of(self::FORM_TYPES_PROMPT)
->replace('[REPLACE]', $formPrompt)
->replace('[TYPES]', $typesString)
private function getRelatedTemplates(array $industries, array $types): array
$templateScore = [];
Template::chunk(100, function ($otherTemplates) use ($industries, $types, &$templateScore) {
foreach ($otherTemplates as $otherTemplate) {
$industryOverlap = count(array_intersect($industries ?? [], $otherTemplate->industry ?? []));
$typeOverlap = count(array_intersect($types ?? [], $otherTemplate->types ?? []));
$score = $industryOverlap + $typeOverlap;
if ($score > 1) {
$templateScore[$otherTemplate->slug] = $score;
arsort($templateScore); // Sort by Score
return array_slice(array_keys($templateScore), 0, self::MAX_RELATED_TEMPLATES);
private function createFormTemplate(
array $formData,
string $formTitle,
string $formDescription,
string $formShortDescription,
array $formQAs,
?string $imageUrl,
array $industry,
array $types,
array $relatedTemplates
// Add property uuids, improve form with options
foreach ($formData['properties'] as &$property) {
$property['id'] = Str::uuid()->toString(); // Column ID
// Fix ratings
if ($property['type'] == 'number' && ($property['is_rating'] ?? false)) {
$property['rating_max_value'] = 5;
if (($property['type'] == 'select' && count($property['select']['options']) <= 4)
|| ($property['type'] == 'multi_select' && count($property['multi_select']['options']) <= 4)) {
$property['without_dropdown'] = true;
// Clean data
$formTitle = Str::of($formTitle)->replace('"', '')->toString();
return Template::create([
'name' => $formTitle,
'description' => $formDescription,
'short_description' => $formShortDescription,
'questions' => $formQAs,
'structure' => $formData,
'image_url' => $imageUrl,
'publicly_listed' => true,
'industries' => $industry,
'types' => $types,
'related_templates' => $relatedTemplates
private function setReverseRelatedTemplates(Template $newTemplate)
if (!$newTemplate || count($newTemplate->related_templates) === 0) return;
$templates = Template::whereIn('slug', $newTemplate->related_templates)->get();
foreach ($templates as $template) {
if (count($template->related_templates) < self::MAX_RELATED_TEMPLATES) {
$template->update(['related_templates' => array_merge($template->related_templates, [$newTemplate->slug])]);