middleware('not-subscribed'); // Check User does not have a pending subscription $user = Auth::user(); if ($user->subscriptions()->where('stripe_status', 'past_due')->first()) { return $this->error([ 'message' => 'You already have a past due subscription. Please verify your details in the billing page, and contact us if the issue persists.' ]); } $checkoutBuilder = $user ->newSubscription($pricing, $this->getPricing($pricing)[$plan]) ->allowPromotionCodes(); if ($trial != null) { $checkoutBuilder->trialUntil(now()->addDays(3)->addHour()); } $checkout = $checkoutBuilder ->collectTaxIds() ->checkout([ 'success_url' => front_url('/subscriptions/success'), 'cancel_url' => front_url('/subscriptions/error'), 'billing_address_collection' => 'required', 'customer_update' => [ 'address' => 'auto', 'name' => 'never', ] ]); return $this->success([ 'checkout_url' => $checkout->url ]); } public function updateStripeDetails(UpdateStripeDetailsRequest $request) { $user = Auth::user(); if (!$user->hasStripeId()) { $user->createAsStripeCustomer(); } $user->updateStripeCustomer([ 'email' => $request->email, 'name' => $request->name, ]); return $this->success([ 'message' => 'Details saved.', ]); } public function billingPortal() { $this->middleware('auth'); if (!Auth::user()->has_customer_id) { return $this->error([ "message" => "Please subscribe before accessing your billing portal." ]); } return $this->success([ 'portal_url' => Auth::user()->billingPortalUrl(front_url('/home')) ]); } private function getPricing($product = 'default') { return App::environment() == 'production' ? config('pricing.production.'.$product.'.pricing') : config('pricing.test.'.$product.'.pricing'); } }