import {generateUUID} from "~/lib/utils.js"; export const initForm = (defaultValue = {}, withDefaultProperties = false) => { return useForm({ title: 'My Form', description: null, visibility: 'public', workspace_id: null, properties: withDefaultProperties ? getDefaultProperties() :[], notifies: false, slack_notifies: false, send_submission_confirmation: false, webhook_url: null, notification_settings: {}, // Customization theme: 'default', width: 'centered', dark_mode: 'auto', color: '#3B82F6', hide_title: false, no_branding: false, uppercase_labels: true, transparent_background: false, closes_at: null, closed_text: 'This form has now been closed by its owner and does not accept submissions anymore.', auto_save: true, // Submission submit_button_text: 'Submit', re_fillable: false, re_fill_button_text: 'Fill Again', submitted_text: 'Amazing, we saved your answers. Thank you for your time and have a great day!', notification_sender: 'OpnForm', notification_subject: 'We saved your answers', notification_body: 'Hello there 👋
This is a confirmation that your submission was successfully saved.', notifications_include_submission: true, use_captcha: false, is_rating: false, rating_max_value: 5, max_submissions_count: null, max_submissions_reached_text: 'This form has now reached the maximum number of allowed submissions and is now closed.', editable_submissions_button_text: 'Edit submission', confetti_on_submission: false, // Security & Privacy can_be_indexed: true, // Custom SEO seo_meta: {}, ...defaultValue }) } function getDefaultProperties () { return [ { name: 'Name', type: 'text', hidden: false, required: true, id: generateUUID() }, { name: 'Email', type: 'email', hidden: false, id: generateUUID() }, { name: 'Message', type: 'text', hidden: false, multi_lines: true, id: generateUUID() } ] }