* * * Licensed under MIT license. */ use Aws\Exception\InvalidJsonException; /** * Attempts to fix truncated JSON by padding contextual counterparts at the end. * * @author Jitendra Adhikari * @license MIT * * @link https://github.com/adhocore/php-json-fixer */ class JsonFixer { use PadsJson; /** @var array Current token stack indexed by position */ protected $stack = []; /** @var bool If current char is within a string */ protected $inStr = false; /** @var bool Whether to throw Exception on failure */ protected $silent = false; /** @var array The complementary pairs */ protected $pairs = [ '{' => '}', '[' => ']', '"' => '"', ]; /** @var int The last seen object `{` type position */ protected $objectPos = -1; /** @var int The last seen array `[` type position */ protected $arrayPos = -1; /** @var string Missing value. (Options: true, false, null) */ protected $missingValue = 'null'; /** * Set/unset silent mode. * * @param bool $silent * @return $this */ public function silent($silent = true) { $this->silent = (bool) $silent; return $this; } /** * Set missing value. * * @param mixed $value * @return $this */ public function missingValue($value) { if ($value === null) { $value = 'null'; } elseif (\is_bool($value)) { $value = $value ? 'true' : 'false'; } $this->missingValue = $value; return $this; } /** * Fix the truncated JSON. * * @param string $json The JSON string to fix. * @return string Fixed JSON. If failed with silent then original JSON. * * @throws InvalidJsonException When fixing fails. */ public function fix($json) { $json = preg_replace('/(?trim($json); if (empty($json) || $this->isValid($json)) { return $json; } if (null !== $tmpJson = $this->quickFix($json)) { return $tmpJson; } $this->reset(); return $head.$this->doFix($json).$tail; } protected function trim($json) { \preg_match('/^(\s*)([^\s]+)(\s*)$/', $json, $match); $match += ['', '', '', '']; $match[2] = \trim($json); \array_shift($match); return $match; } protected function isValid($json) { \json_decode($json, true, 512, JSON_INVALID_UTF8_SUBSTITUTE); return \json_last_error() === \JSON_ERROR_NONE; } protected function quickFix($json) { if (\strlen($json) === 1 && isset($this->pairs[$json])) { return $json.$this->pairs[$json]; } if ($json[0] !== '"') { return $this->maybeLiteral($json); } return $this->padString($json); } protected function reset() { $this->stack = []; $this->inStr = false; $this->objectPos = -1; $this->arrayPos = -1; } protected function maybeLiteral($json) { if (! \in_array($json[0], ['t', 'f', 'n'])) { return null; } foreach (['true', 'false', 'null'] as $literal) { if (\strpos($literal, $json) === 0) { return $literal; } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart return null; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } protected function doFix($json) { [$index, $char] = [-1, '']; while (isset($json[++$index])) { [$prev, $char] = [$char, $json[$index]]; $next = isset($json[$index + 1]) ? $json[$index + 1] : ''; if (! \in_array($char, [' ', "\n", "\r"])) { $this->stack($prev, $char, $index, $next); } } return $this->fixOrFail($json); } protected function stack($prev, $char, $index, $next) { if ($this->maybeStr($prev, $char, $index)) { return; } $last = $this->lastToken(); if (\in_array($last, [',', ':', '"']) && \preg_match('/\"|\d|\{|\[|t|f|n/', $char)) { $this->popToken(); } if (\in_array($char, [',', ':', '[', '{'])) { $this->stack[$index] = $char; } $this->updatePos($char, $index); } protected function lastToken() { return \end($this->stack); } protected function popToken($token = null) { // Last one if ($token === null) { return \array_pop($this->stack); } $keys = \array_reverse(\array_keys($this->stack)); foreach ($keys as $key) { if ($this->stack[$key] === $token) { unset($this->stack[$key]); break; } } } protected function maybeStr($prev, $char, $index) { if ($prev !== '\\' && $char === '"') { $this->inStr = ! $this->inStr; } if ($this->inStr && $this->lastToken() !== '"') { $this->stack[$index] = '"'; } return $this->inStr; } protected function updatePos($char, $index) { if ($char === '{') { $this->objectPos = $index; } elseif ($char === '}') { $this->popToken('{'); $this->objectPos = -1; } elseif ($char === '[') { $this->arrayPos = $index; } elseif ($char === ']') { $this->popToken('['); $this->arrayPos = -1; } } protected function fixOrFail($json) { $length = \strlen($json); $tmpJson = $this->pad($json); if ($this->isValid($tmpJson)) { return $tmpJson; } if ($this->silent) { return $json; } \Log::debug('Broken json received: ', [ 'json' => $json, ]); throw new InvalidJsonException( \sprintf('Could not fix JSON (tried padding `%s`)', \substr($tmpJson, $length), $json) ); } }