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<div class="inline" v-if="shouldDisplayProTag">
<div class="bg-nt-blue text-white px-2 text-xs uppercase inline rounded-full font-semibold cursor-pointer"
<modal :show="showPremiumModal" @close="showPremiumModal=false">
<h2 class="text-nt-blue">
OpnForm PRO
<h4 v-if="user && user.is_subscribed" class="text-center mt-5">
We're happy to have you as a Pro customer. If you're having any issue with OpnForm, or if you have a
feature request, please <a href="mailto:contact@opnform.com">contact us</a>.
<div v-if="!user || !user.is_subscribed" class="mt-4">
All the features with a<span
class="bg-nt-blue text-white px-2 text-xs uppercase inline rounded-full font-semibold mx-1"
</span> tag are available in the Pro plan of OpnForm. <b>You can play around and try all Pro features
the form editor, but you can't use them in your real forms</b>. You can subscribe now to gain unlimited access
all our pro features!
<div class="my-4 text-center">
<v-button color="white" @click="showPremiumModal=false">
import { computed } from 'vue'
import Modal from '../Modal.vue'
import { useAuthStore } from '../../stores/auth';
import { useWorkspacesStore } from '../../stores/workspaces';
import PricingTable from "../pages/pricing/PricingTable.vue";
export default {
name: 'ProTag',
components: {PricingTable, Modal},
props: {},
setup () {
const authStore = useAuthStore()
const workspacesStore = useWorkspacesStore()
return {
user : computed(() => authStore.user),
currentWorkSpace : computed(() => workspacesStore.getCurrent())
data() {
return {
showPremiumModal: false,
checkoutLoading: false
computed: {
shouldDisplayProTag() {
if (!window.config.paid_plans_enabled) return false
if (!this.user || !this.currentWorkSpace) return true
return !(this.currentWorkSpace.is_pro)
mounted() {
methods: {
openChat() {
window.$crisp.push(['do', 'chat:show'])
window.$crisp.push(['do', 'chat:open'])