
1.2 KiB


This repository will store, format, document and allow versioning and approval of a batch configuration.

This repository only contains exported configuration. It does not contain any binary files (eg equipment-model.cfg nor system state or log files). These are excluded using the .gitignore file.

suggested teams

configured at organisation

  • Owners
  • reviewers
  • reviewers-2
  • ci-bots

suggested branch protection

protect branch main

  • disable push
  • protected file patterns - .github/**
  • require 2 approvals
  • restrict approvals to reviewers and reviewers-2 teams
  • dismiss state approvals
  • enable status check for **
  • enable merge whitelist to owners
  • block merge on rejected reviews
  • block merge on official review requests
  • block merge if pull request is outdated

protect branch **

  • protected file patterns - .github/**

you will need to:

give a bot user (eg batch-bot) write access and make them members of ci-bots team

generate a new token for this user with

  • write:issue
  • write:repository
  • read:user

set an action secret called BOT_TOKEN to it