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# batch-example
This repository will store and allow versioning and approval of a batch configuration.
This repository **only** contains exported configuration. It does not contain any binary files (eg equipment-model.cfg nor system state or log files). These are excluded using the **.gitignore** file.
## change process
tea is here (i had to change docker file to just be based on node:latest)
get tea for ubuntu
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y tea
### FTBatch development pc on development branch
git branch -D format-branch
git checkout -b format-branch
make changes and export files
commit and push back to server
git add -A
git commit
git push origin format-branch
### format-bot pc
git branch -D format-branch
git fetch origin
git checkout -b format-branch
git checkout master
git pull
git branch -D product-development
git checkout -b product-development
git merge --squash --no-commit --no-ff --strategyoption=theirs format-branch
run the formatter
git add -A
git commit
git push origin product-development
git push origin --delete format-branch
create a pull request
git fetch --tags
gotea pr c --base=master --head=product-development --repo another-user/batch-example --title="WIP: this is a PR! it rocks!"
closing a pull request (not used)
gotea pr close --repo another-user/batch-example 11
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout deployed
git merge master
make xml files
git add -A
git commit
git push origin deployed